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Honestly, if someone needs a 2000 year old book to tell them these 10 "rules", they have bigger issues.


And the way the world is looking these days with the mentality of its inhabitants, that statement is holding more and more true :closedeyes:

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That's also a great point. Apart from a few weddings, I haven't set foot in a church in over a decade, but I still completely agree with all 10 of these "guidelines". They're just 10 steps towards being a decent person. Honestly, if someone needs a 2000 year old book to tell them these 10 "rules", they have bigger issues. The Christians may have been the first to officially trademark and package these rules for mass marketting, but every major religion will teach the same basic beliefs.


I also don't go to church much anymore. and when called out on that by the pastor of my church I asked him two questions



did Jesus go to the temple to worship in public? NOPE. but did it make him any less religious? NOPE. According to the book that the faith is based on Jesus simply prayed in private, didn't have to make a spectacle of it. and simply went about his life being a good person. Am I on that same level? not even close. but at least I can try to follow the very example the christain faith is based on.


at that point I got no argument and the subject was dropped.



I also find it ironic talking to that very Cathloic priest about faith. His father was from Lebanon, and raised Muslim and converted to Cathloic later in life, and his mother was Jewish. he was raised learning all 3 religions, and simply allowed to choose which ever path he wanted by his parents. a VERY interesting person to discuss faith with. and VERY open to other views... which is extremely odd for a person in his possition. probably the reason we get along. also the way I want my kids to grow up. show them what's out there and let them choose for themselves.




BTW the 10 commandments are from the old testimate. they're part of the Jewish faith that carried over to Christians. I'm not even sure of when the book of exedus was actually written... nor does it really matter. but I am sure the concept of the 10 commandments dates back to the earliest days of civilized man.... how far we've fallen in recent history that those simple guidlines are so often forgotten :(

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