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We Got Lucky


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As some of you may know there was a major wind storm in western Washington 2 days ago. The stats I read on the power company website said 700,000 customers lost power, us included. My house did not suffer any damage from falling trees. :) Others in the neighborhood where less fortunate. Pics below.




This was 2 blocks away. The tree crushed 1 house's garage and also hit the house next door.



This is in the living room of my next door neighbor.



The good news is the phones and hot water work.

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you did get lucky, but too bad for your neighbors

:withstupid: , luckily for us in vancouver, it wan't that bad. Especially since there are like no trees next to houses anywhere here, but it wasn't as bad here as in washington.

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A couple of years ago, we had a tropical storm in our area that blew down a couple of trees. One of the trees in the mini-forest behind our house fell and missed my sister's room by literally a couple of feet. That was a close call.

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if you just used bricks and plaster instead of balsa wood and cardboard, you wouldn't have half the problems...


i dunno eh, it's as if Americans never heard about the Three Little Pigs :lol:


glad yer alright though dude

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Still no power at home. :( Work had power as or about 6 last night. :(


Power crews where working on my street today. I hope to have power within 2 days.


Gang, the three little pigs references are not appreciated. according to the local radio (710kiro.com) People are dieing because of this.


I am thankful for the camping experiences myself and my family has had to get us through this.

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