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New Setup...

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Hey guys, I need to get a new video card, and due to the fact that AGP is going dead, I will be needing a new motherboard, cpu, ram.


I currently have socket 939, so is AM2 any better for gaming and overclocking?


What would you guys suggest for a new processor?

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Depending on what your budget is I would probably suggest either


a) If you are reasonably happy with your current processor and RAM, just think about upgrading your motherboard and video card.


b) A core2 setup seeing as you'll be changing most/all of your main components anyway.

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you can push 939 FAR past what you'll get out of an AM2 rig. DDR2 and AMD just isn't got like they planned.



I'd say on a budget stay 939. if $$$ isn't a worry core 2 duo is the best bet.

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What type of ram should I be looking for if i were to get this board


And what video card would work great for it?




I was thinking this memory...



maybe even this video card...


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Several points here:


1 - Suggest a 939 Crossfire board and then DDR2 memory (and ECC at that)?


That's not going to work I'm afraid.


2 - If I was looking at an RD480 based board I'd probably go for an ASUS A8R-MVP over the DFI.


Saying that, I probably wouldn't be looking at RD480 based boards unless I was on a budget. Considering there are Newer boards around.


edit - especially seeing as you are looking at x19xx based cards, an RD580 board is a must if you potentially want crossfire.




So for 939 it's regular DDR

Edited by jammin

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