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Overclocking Cpu

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ok so im either getting a 3700+ or a fx55 does anyone know were i can get a fx55 cheap at i know the egg had a sell but i didnt have the money then and i think its over. o and can anyone tell me of a good power supply for ocing im looking at the ocz 700 watt one.

I have the PSU you're talking about and I highly recommend it. The rails are rock-solid. And you really can't find anything that compares with it in terms of quality and wattage/amperage for the same price. Newegg was recently selling them for $120 after rebate.

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I'm considering selling my FX-55 to pay off some other bills, it's a retail boxed version cooler included, Sandiego, and of course ready for unlocked multiplier fun. Personally I've played around with it some, but not alot, I don't have the time to do diehard OCing, work, school, and still get in some game time right now so OCing has been pushed back. The FX @ 2.8 (same as FX-57 stock) with default ram speeds games better than the Opty 165 @ 2.65 w/an extra ~25mhz on the ram. Gotta love single cores for the gaming world, Of course I can only tell the boost based off of running fraps nearly the entire time i game, but a few extra fps can't hurt :)


If you're interested in buying this nearly new toy PM me (or IM me) and ill get back to ya, if not then...well...whatever :)

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