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Fluid Xp


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Has anyone heard of this stuff?

It is supposed to be non conductive, so you can spill some of it on the motherboard and nothing will happen.

If this is true and people here have used it and still use it, I might actually go towards watercooling, the only reasons Im not going to right now is because 1. money issues and 2. my room mates get drunk, my luck one would run into my case and make the water spill out, but i wouldnt have to worry about that if i get this stuff...let me know some knoweledge on this fluid


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Yes FluidXP is non-conductive but lets say you have a dusty case and some fluidxp spills on your dusty video card. The fluidxp is non-conductive but the added dust would make it conductive and you still have a fried card. Also I have not personally used it but Ive heard it doesnt work very well cooling wise.

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all i've heard is horror stories of fluidxp discolouring tubing and gunking up blocks...


i'd just go with deionised/distilled water with valvoline zerex super coolant

I have heard the same thing recently while trying to decide if i really want to use water cooling.

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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I would chime in regarding Fluid XP. I too wanted to be enviropnmentally friendly, and thought I would give Fluid XP a try. I was suprised when I recevied the stuff, due to the milky consistentancy, and the white flakes. But this was my first water cooled rig, and thought I was safe.




I just had to purge my entire system, clean the goo from my CPU blocks, and replace all of my hoses. As there was what looked like calcification in them.


I'm going to head the other advice, and go with distilled water and Zenex coolant.


I really hate to bash any vendor, but I am REALLY unhappy with the Fluid XP.



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I used Fluid XP and my temps soared...couldn't figure out what was wrong so I reinstalled air

After taking apart the rig I found it had corroded some of the tubing and left calcification on my waterblocks which were a royal pain to clean

It was so much work I have yet to try putting it all back with distilled water and a couple of capfuls of coolant


If you properly install your watercooling kit there should be no issue with your pc getting bumped into unless they actually pick it up turn it upside down and shake it...at that point I would consider getting new friends lol


Another option is a self-contained watercooling unit or a peltier unit like the CoolIt Eliminator

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