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Begining To Oc


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I already run into that problem with cs:s with out even ocing, which confuses me. After playing the game for about an hour, the game will lock up with a looping sound. I went to steams website and they said that I should update my video and audio drivers, well my audio is integrated, but i found a newer driver for it and it slowed the process down, it would take about an hour and 15-20 min for it to lock up so i dont know what that is all about, but this is off topic.


I understand what all of you are saying with the stability testing and to answer a question up above, I am using speedfan to determine my temps. When I look at the graph, the first temperature is what I use as the load temp, because it is what is being displayed first, correct? Before you guys told me to take off the duct going to the cpu cooler and put the air blowing onto the cpu heatsing instead of off of it. Also to change the fan on the back of the case to a exaust fan, which i did, but would i get better temps if i but the duct back on the cpu cooler and have it connected to the fan on the side of my case, and have the side fan sucking fresh air in, and the cpu cooler sucking it directly onto the heatsink?



Also thank you for all of the information so far, and i think i am getting to understand this process a lot better than I did before.

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46 idle is a bit crap to be honest... i don't know how (in)effective the stock cooler is, but with my xp-120 i got 43 load and 35 idle iirc at 1.536v / 2.92 GHz


so there is definitely room for improvement with your temps, i think the idea of the fan blowing down on the heatsink and the side panel fan bringing fresh air into your case is likely to be the best solution, and probably just forget about the duct

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With regards to the vent, I used a subwoofer box vent to do this to my old case. It eliminates the need for a side fan that feeds the cpu fan, and it allows the cpu fan to pull the cold air from outside the case. It also helps keep the hot air coming off the heatsink from feeding back up into the fan again.


The vent cost me $4 and about 20 minutes of total time spent cutting the vent to the right depth and side window hole, and took about 3-5c off my temps.

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