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Earthlink : Mindspring Timewarnercable


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My situation right now is BAD. As many of you would know, TWC is a monopoly of the ISPs around major parts of NYC. Regular speed is 6MBDL/.5MBUPL. For this service i pay 135$/2m. Since this summer there were outtages in the Queens area, i cant get good constant ping. Only time i get good ping/reg is in the morning or 2am+ when NO ONE IS USING IT. When i called in one of the support says to me "ITS SLOW BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE ARE USING IT". I called 2x each month. Anotheri ssue was that recently it took 30minutes for the modem to connect to the ISP. So once again i call. This time i put it on vent showing it to my friend who also has bad ISP(verizon dsl). He pays 20$ and i pay 140$ yet he has faster speed(1.5mbDL .3mbUPL). A technician was supposed to come on thursday and so, i called in to ask why he didnt come. The rep tells me that "you payed on that day so it got cancelled", so i go actually i got the call to confirm if i need the rep or not, and i said YES i need him. A few minutes later after i explain to him that ive been calling since summer, he changes the story to "You confirmed that your internet wad good". Considering i havent called since the apt was made and the only options were Yes and No on the electronic voice i KNEW he was lying.

What pisses me off is the fact that no one is stepping up to become a good ISP, giving TWC FULL CONTROL making them a MONOPOLY and so they dont give a **** about us, their customers...

what should i do?

Opt Online isnt available, Verizon DSL isnt, Verizon FIOS isnt, the only CABLE isp available is Earthlink(which im using right now)....


HELP ME im sick of shooting 12 bullets into people and it goes through them, and also warping.

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Thats the same stuff i have going on in Sunny VA. Ever since Time Warner( Comcast) Bought adelphia the internet services have been horrible. Check the forums at Broadband reports for some more info. I have found that at non peak usage times i get good speed and ping but starting around 6 pm it goes to crap. Download speeds and ping jump to almost unusable levels( Slow Dial up speeds or worse). The things that i have done to prove it was not on my end are New cat5 cables through the house, New modem and router, New coax from the box to the room the modem is in and last but not least i had the cable company run new lines from my house to the juntion box 1 house over from me. I have hooked directly to the modem and still get the issue, removeing the router as a source of concern. At this point verizon has run the fiber optic cable in my subdivision and i will be swithching as soon as its available. Good luck to you!!

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Ya, I'm pretty sure SBCGlobal is ripping us off on our dsl. We pay for 3mb down and 512kbps up. With bittorrent running, I get an average of 256kbps (depending on the torrent, I can get this speed with one, and the same speed with 10). I also only can upload at about 60kbps. Screwy companies. Someone needs to set them straight.

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