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hey guys i was pushing the mhz of my cpu to 210 and when i boot it up out of the bios, for some reason the video card decides not to show anything on the monitor, any ideas what the problem could be? i have the cpu voltage at 1.6, should i push the agp voltage up?

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sorry bout the sig, ill have to fix that


and how do you mean lock my agp bus? all i did when i went in was push the cpu mhz from 200 to 210 (i know big leap) and push up the cpu voltage




cant get the sig smaller than 30kb using photoshop, lowest jpeg settings, any suggestions for me?

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And how do you mean lock my agp bus?

When you rasie the FSB it raises all the busses, so you have to "lock" your AGP bus so that it doesnt push it too high...

cant get the sig smaller than 30kb using photoshop, lowest jpeg settings, any suggestions for me?


Save it once at the lowset setting and then open it and save it again at 80% or whatever drops it to 28kb...

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sorry bout the sig, ill have to fix that


and how do you mean lock my agp bus? all i did when i went in was push the cpu mhz from 200 to 210 (i know big leap) and push up the cpu voltage




cant get the sig smaller than 30kb using photoshop, lowest jpeg settings, any suggestions for me?


yea PM it to me and i'll work on it when i get home from work ;)


or you can try what andrewr05 said


and in your bios, there should be somewhere to lock your AGP bus @ 66mhz

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the save for web tool in photoshop works wonders...using that my sig is ~11k @ 480x80.


the reason you want to lock that AGP/PCI is because it does NOT perform well over it's stock speed of 66/33 and can damage not only the motherboard, but other components as well, as i've heard.

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I have the same mobo as you. Make sure that under the "cell" settings toward the bottom of the screen that you set the bus speed to 66, and not to auto or whatever it says, I can't remember. If you keep that setting at 66, then you have the bus locked at stock speed. Also, if you are running SATA drives, make sure that they are plugged into ports 3 and 4 toward the middle of the board. If you have them in 1 or 2, the hard drive could have problems as the PCI bus is not locked on those SATA ports

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ok chavalcito quick question for you, people have been talking about raising the fsb, but i dont see a fsb part, and when you are talking about the "cell" settings, i do not see it, what submenu is it in?


i think im running an older version of the bios, but i dont want to flash the bios, because i have never done that before. i downloaded MSI Live Update 3, and it is supposed to flash the bios for me, but it says that i dont need to update to a newer version.


Im not using SATA HDDs




These are the options in the BIOS not including all of the saving options or preset options


Phoenix - Award BIOS


The options are

*Standard CMOS Features

*Advanced BIOS Features

*Advanced Chipset Features

***High Performance Mode

***Agressive Timing

***CPU Overclock In MHz

***AGP Overclock In MHz

***AGP Aperiture Size (MB)

***HT Frequency

***System BIOS Cacheable

*Integrated Peripherals

*Power Management Setup

*PnP/PCI Configuration

*H/W Monitor

*Frequency/Voltage Control

***Dynamic Overclock

***CPU Voltage

***Memory Voltage

***AGP Voltage



CPU Voltage at 1.65v

AGP Voltage At 1.5v (Standard)

CPU Overclock at 209 MHz

AGP Overclock at 66 MHz


If I try to push the CPU Overclock any higher than 209 MHz, then I will just get the black screen, which the only way to solve that is pull the CMOS Battery.

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What BIOS are you using? The cell menu is on the right side of the main page. It is where all of the memory, HTTx, AGP bus, dynamic overclocking settings, etc. are. I would set everything at stock and make sure you have the latest BIOS. Also, besides locking the AGP clock at 66, when you are overclocking you need to lower the HTT mulitplier to 4 as you raise the clock speed. The HTT is similar to a FSB on an Intel. You shold try not to let it get much higher than 1000. So at stock when the HTT is at 5, and the clock is at 200 your HTT (FSB) is 1000. Raising it above 1000 will cause instability. As you slowly raise the clock speed from 200 on up, you may need to keep lowering the HTT multiplier, and sometimes even the memory divider to keep the system stable. I would suggest that you search for a guide to overclocking with the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum, there is even one on this board. I think Nuclear did it, but don't quote me on that.


Check out this. Then follow the link on the bottom of the guys post.

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