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Has anyone ever heard of this program to recover your lost Windows password?


I downloaded the .ISO of it a while ago, but never ended up using it, dont know if it even does what it is supposed to do.

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  • 3 months later...

Austrumi includes a TOOL on the older linux distro, NOT the 10.xx version, but the .92 version. So DL the older version


The tool located on the disk is the SAME AS THIS You may just want to go with this instead, unless you want a bootable linux CD


So, if you do decide to use Austrumi, here are the steps


Boot off the CD

When it comes to the Boot screen, it will say BOOT: . Now Just type in "nt_pass" This will start and boot off the above tool.

Follow the onscreen directions until you get to your account screen. Then select the accoutn you want to change

CHANGE it to blank!!!! DO NOT change it to something else, IT WILL NOT work. (Blank is * )

now hit Q or ! to save, (I forget which) then hit q again, it will ask you if you want to save these changes and it will write them

Boot off of the OS as usual

then it will run a disk check LET IT RUN! Otherwise it will just go back to your previous PW

There ya go


NOTE!!!! In XP SP2, if you change the PW of a particular user like this without going to the user accounts tool in the control panel, you lose EVERYTHING under C://Documents and Settings/XXXXXUSER which includes, cookies, My Documents etc. These files are encrypted according to the PW, so once you change it, you lost it. It will come up with a "Access Denied"


And I hope you aren't using this for illegal purposes...

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