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Canadian Election Adds.


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has any one else in canada gotten pissed of by the number of liberal/ conservative bashing adds that they have been playing. seems like the only party adds i see are the liberals bashing the conservatives and vise versa. i would like to hear more of the good stuff from the parties platforms instead of the parties pointing out what they think is bad about the other parties.

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Welcome to the U.S.A.!!!! :blink:


Unfortunately that's the way things have been going here for years.


It's too bad when you have to vote on who you think will do the LEAST amount of damage rather than who you feel is the best candidate.

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The problem seems to be that the Liberals and Conservatives don't have anything positive about them right now. The negative ads are the lowest form of campaigning, in my opinion, and I refuse to vote for anyone who uses them. Considering that I have seen these ads from the Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP, and there are no Bloc people in my riding (I am in BC), I have decided to tell everyone to vote for me. I am running on a platform of judicial reform, removing corruption from Government, streamlining the Public Service (5 people doing the job of one? why?), and bringing back "Representation by Population", not "Elect me, so I can be a puppet for my party". Oh, and better land access for backcountry snowmobiling.


Anyone in the Southern Interior of BC want to vote for me? My party shall be called Team Skinny (then I don't have to change my domain name). And if elected, I will officially take the title "Grand Pooh-Bah" :P


By the way, does anyone know what happens when a name is written on the ballet that was not officially running? Is that just considered a spoiled ballot?


But back to the original topic, the best ads I have been seeing are the spoofs being done by Royal Canadian Air Farce, 22 Minutes, and the likes. They are telling it like it is.

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