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Finally Biting The Bullet


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Well, since I putting together this rig a while back, I have been running it at pretty much stock settings the whole time.

Reading all the overclocking threads around recently with several members getting their optys up to 3ghz has spurred me on to do some tinkering of my own.


Now I know with this proc I'm not expecting to get anywhere near 3ghz realistically, so it's just a question of squeezing what I can out of this thing.


So I started at the beginning, taking it step by step.

First step.. seeing what my htt would top out at (to make sure it wasn't going to limit me).

Slowly bumped it up using clockgen. Managed to get to 308Mhz before it ganked on me. Take 5Mhz off that and you get a reasonable safe value.


Performed same process again but this time singling out the processor.

Around 2.4Ghz at stock voltage resulted in a crash (while running small fft prime)

About 2.5Ghz at 1.45v

Left it at that for the time being... a little disappointing but could be worse.


Pretty much the same process for the RAM

A rough limit around 235Mhz at stock timings (which are reasonably loose because its GeiL Value)


So the RAM is gonna limit things a bit it looks like.

Anyway.. first stage overclock (currently stability testing)

2340Mhz @ stock voltage Running 166 divider on the RAM (actual speed about 212Mhz)




Once I've finished testing it to make sure its solid I might try bumping it up a bit.

Any tips are welcomed :)

Edited by jammin

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Guest Raven65

looks like your going in the right direction. Just bump up your cpu volts and are you using a divider?

Edit: oops forgot you were.

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Yeah.. running a divider (did mention it) because the RAM is a not exactly top notch.

I'm looking to keep load temps below 50 if I can so I don't really want to go putting too much more voltage through it. If it will go significantly higher at 1.5 or .55 then it might be worth it, otherwise I'm not sure.


I might just have to grab an xp-90 as well if I really get into it (currently using better than stock [92mm fan] akasa cooler but still not the greatest).

Edited by jammin

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I am thinking I'm going to need it to get the most out of it.

Considering the HTT tops out at around 300Mhz then around 2700Mhz is the absolute most that I can aim for, though I doubt it'll get there.

I relatively happy with what I've got so far.. and it seems prime stable at least.

Edited by jammin

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HT multi is already at 3 considering the 260HTT.

I might be able to get away with 4 but research I've done suggests using 3 at anything 260 or above.


I'll probably up the voltage a little with this cooler and see if temps don't shoot up too much before deciding I need something better. If I can get past 2.5Ghz I'll be happy :)

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Mine is also 55*c

However, as I mentioned the HTT Seems to top out just over 300, so unless I can find a way of boosting it up a bit further then I'm kinda limited to that 2700Mhz.

What do you have cooling yours and what are the temps like?


Anyway.. I'm just about to try bumping the vcore a bit and trying 270 HTT. Wish me luck


edit - priming now at 270HTT, vcore 1.45, 2430Mhz, RAM 220Mhz

Edited by jammin

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if it's the blue heatspreader geil value then it should be winbond bh5/utt... so give it all the vdimm you got (2.85v, possibly overvolting to 2.95v) and maybe make sure it's getting some cooling somehow... that should perk it up a bit :)

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Yes it is.

Its set at 2.8 at the moment, which certainly seemed to push it a bit further.

Thanks for the tip ;)

Warrantied up to 2.95 which is nice obviously.


edit- and it does get a little bit of air moving over it from the cpu fan, again an xp-90 would help out here

Edited by jammin

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Humm my 3000+ Venice was running everyday of 2.7ghz for the longest time...think i used 1.475ish volts and 300x9 w/166 divider (main rig with it's ram which likes the 250mhz range)


Anyway get all you can out of it. Be aure you stomp on my Winnie, it's sissy 2.6 should be easily beaten with any Venice core (assuming the board holds out for a 3000+)

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