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Maybe Hollywood Aint All Bad


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I'll have to see that. I see your point exactly. I think 9/11, just like Pearl Harbor, is a disaster we should never forget. Some people in Washington see it fit that we ban all footage and mention of 9/11 from the public, as it is "too painful" to see again and again. I say z'to hell with them." Keeping the sights and the sounds of 9/11 away from the American people is Step One to forgetting it ever happened, and that, by God, is something we must never, ever do. As soon as we forget 9/11, we will forget why we are fighting terrorism. The only reason this nation pulled through World War 2 so well is because our people never forgot the horrible things that our enemies did. The Japanese attacked our naval station at Pearl Harbor killing 2000 men, and Hitler invaded all of western Europe, killing thousands of innocent people, not to mention we find out later he had massacred over SIX MILLION (6,000,000) Jews.


The sooner we forget why we are fighting, the sooner we lose support for why we are fighting, the sooner we stop fighting, the sooner we lose... and I won't allow that. I say make all kinds of movies about the events leading up to 9/11. I say put a mini-biography of every single victim of 9/11 on A&E. Show pictures and videos every day on the news. Don't let anybody forget.



Wow...that Post gave me shivers. There isn't a single letter and number in that post that conflicted with the actual topic or view-point of what you wanted us to hear/read. that flowed better than the Mississippi River, Well said Lo.


(*-Mumbling to myself-* I think I might listen to Dave Masons' Music so I can talk like that..)

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(*-Mumbling to myself-* I think I might listen to Dave Masons' Music so I can talk like that..)



So lets leave it 'lone, cuz we can't see eye to eye. There ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy, there's only you and me and we just disagreeeee :D 0ooooooooh, ohhh ohhh ohhhhh.

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Alas no you will have to read it for yourself it's got some very valid points though, and many people share this theory it's not some radical minimalist veiw.



I cant rearly say as some is anti us/uk/boeing etc and im not gonna go disobey the mod's wish's.



And the film looks rearly good hopefully it will do well and a nice chunk will go to the 9/11 victim fund.

Edited by dean25

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We have two theories behind 9/11:


Theory 1:

1970's: former mujahideen rebels become discontent with the western world and declare holy war on it.


1980's-1990's: Jihadists bomb several western establishments including the Kobar Towers, US embassies in Africa, the World Trade Center in 1993, and the USS Cole in 2000, to name a few.


2000: Jihadists renew holy war on the West, vow to destroy western way of life at any costs.


2001: Jihadists fly planes into both World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and attempt to fly a plane into either the Capitol or the White House.




Theory 2:


1970's-2001: Jihadists declare holy war and vow to destroy western world and way of life at any cost. They attacked the western powers several times over 30 years, but decided not to attack the WTC in 2001 as it would be too saddening to the American people. The jihadists don't want to hurt anybody's feelings :( . HOWEVER, evil war-mongering Bush decides he wants more money. So he crashes his own planes into his own buildings in orer to rally public support for a war to invade and take over the entire middle east. After 30 years of spying on the American people, violating the civil liberties of people who want to kill us, and killing millions of innocent civilians, Bush has taken over the middle east and controls the entire world's oil supply. And the United States lives happily ever after, Amen.




I really don't know what to say about this. I mean, we have video of these terrorists boarding the planes, we have phone conversations with passengers saying they have been hijacked, we have video of planes crashing into the towers, and pictures of the men who were aboard them, we even have a terrorist group that stood up and took the blame for it, YET, we still have the outrageous theories. I'm really let down by this. :(

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Moore's new film is going to be as much of a documentary as A Wonderful Life was an action thriller.



I wouldn't expect you to be a Micheal Moore fan Lo'... the points he raises over Bush's behaviour (read as blunders) are way too scary to contemplate as being a possible reality... Wonderful Life an action thriller? not yet... but let's leave the manipulation of Hollywood's movie themes & content up to the US military & it's satellite agencies ;)


God bless the 2 Presidential term limit! :P

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I couldn't agree with Lo more here...I think that was the worst idea out there to take footage of the events of 9/11 off the air. Our country has just been attacked and thousands of people are dead, why don't we keep that from the public and go to war? Why not go to war with little support from even our own country? I think I'll probably see this movie when it comes out, not only does it sound like it would be good, but also would love to bring some friends to remind them of what happened.


I will say this though, Michael Moore does make good movies that clearly get his point across, even if he doesn't back anything up with real facts.

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