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Maybe Hollywood Aint All Bad


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A new movie is coming out about what happened on 9/11/01, even more so on Flight 93, the 757 that crashed into a field in PA (but was really on its way to hit the White House or capitol building)


FLIGHT 93 is a film about 9/11.


It tells the story of the day through a meticulous re-enactment of events surrounding United 93, the last of the four hijacked aircraft, in the belief that by examining this single event something much larger can be found - the shape of our world today.


By a quirk of fate Flight 93 was delayed on the runway at Newark airport for 45 minutes. By the time it was airborne, the other three planes had reached their intended targets. As a result, the forty passengers and crew on board Flight 93 were the first to inhabit our new and terrifying post 9/11 world.


The terrible dilemma those passengers faced is the same we have been struggling with ever since. Do we sit passively and hope this all turns out okay? Or do we fight back and strike at them before they strike at us? And what will be the consequences if we do?


That is why the story of Flight 93 continues to command our attention. Although we can only dimly understand what must have happened on that ninety minute flight, we can know from the two dozen phone calls and from the 30 minutes of Cockpit Voice recordings that it dramatizes and symbolizes everything that we face today.


Made with the full support of the families of those on board, FLIGHT 93 will track in real time the dramatic story of what happened inside the aircraft as well as on the ground, as passengers, crew, Civilian Air Traffic Controllers and Military Command Centers struggle to make sense of an unimagined and unimaginable crisis.


The film begins on a normal September morning at Newark airport. Crew members prepare for a routine commuter flight to San Francisco. They make safety checks, assign tasks, fuel the plane. Passengers arrive, check in, make last minute calls to colleagues and families before boarding the plane. As the cabin doors are hermetically sealed they all believe that everything is normal. That they are safe from the dangers of a turbulent world. But sitting in four first class seats right next to them is an Al Qaeda cell.


And so as the hijack unfolds, the film moves between the passengers and crew in the air and civilian and military air traffic controllers on the ground as each tries desperately to avert the flight's progress towards the Capitol Building in the heart of Washington D.C.


FLIGHT 93 will take us through the events of 9/11 as they happen in real time - all the confusion, violence, courage and endurance of a day that changed our lives forever.




Here is the Teaser Trailer










Now what bugs me is on the POSKY forums (Project Open Sky, a site that creates add-on planes for FS 2004) members are complianing about the movie.


And I quote



honestly, I think this is really over-doing it...and uncalled for...


an event that so fresh in everyone's mind. And your going to create a movie on it?


Have these people no conscience!


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Didnt Discovery Channel do a flight 93 a fiew months ago? :huh:

where were these people then? If their gona complain, they should complain about both.

I liked the one discovery did, and I will go and see this one in theatres.

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I'll have to see that. I see your point exactly. I think 9/11, just like Pearl Harbor, is a disaster we should never forget. Some people in Washington see it fit that we ban all footage and mention of 9/11 from the public, as it is "too painful" to see again and again. I say z'to hell with them." Keeping the sights and the sounds of 9/11 away from the American people is Step One to forgetting it ever happened, and that, by God, is something we must never, ever do. As soon as we forget 9/11, we will forget why we are fighting terrorism. The only reason this nation pulled through World War 2 so well is because our people never forgot the horrible things that our enemies did. The Japanese attacked our naval station at Pearl Harbor killing 2000 men, and Hitler invaded all of western Europe, killing thousands of innocent people, not to mention we find out later he had massacred over SIX MILLION (6,000,000) Jews.


The sooner we forget why we are fighting, the sooner we lose support for why we are fighting, the sooner we stop fighting, the sooner we lose... and I won't allow that. I say make all kinds of movies about the events leading up to 9/11. I say put a mini-biography of every single victim of 9/11 on A&E. Show pictures and videos every day on the news. Don't let anybody forget.

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The (re-enacted) documentary concerning the flight that didn't reach its goal target United Airlines flight 93 - "the flight that fought back..." was very emotional/informative... detailing how the passengers empowered themselves to 'retake' the plane from it's terrorist hijackers, portions of the flight recorder released substantiate they succeeded just prior to point of impact ;)


Hence I will wait with eagerness equalling my personal pursuit of the Micheal Moore 9/11 release :)


BTW Lo' lets remember Hilter's exercise into 'ethnic cleansing' didn't stop @ those 6 Million Jews, it included homeless transiants & Gypsies, people with deformaties, physical & mental abnormalities... not to forget any & all who spoke out on behalf of the Jews and/or against the 3rd Reich and it's agenda... not to mention his scientists dabbling in the earliest forms of genetic/DNA research :(

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BTW Lo' lets remember Hilter's exercise into 'ethnic cleansing' didn't stop @ those 6 Million Jews, it included homeless transiants & Gypsies, people with deformaties, physical & mental abnormalities... not to forget any & all who spoke out on behalf of the Jews and/or against the 3rd Reich and it's agenda... not to mention his scientists dabbling in the earliest forms of genetic/DNA research :(



Which brought his final body count to 7,300,000 + the number of western europeans killed during his blitzkrieg.

Moore's new film is going to be as much of a documentary as A Wonderful Life was an action thriller.

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I saw the flight that fought back it was ok not that i agree any planes were hijacked in the first place.


The only thing that stuck out to me was why that bloke phoned a priest on his mobile to tell him to phone his wife and tell her, wonder why he didnt call her direct strange that.


Lets hope they do justice to all the brave souls on them planes it must have been terrifying.

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