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Opterons 242 - 248

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Yes they will. Are you planning to use this in a dual proc setup? If not, I would suggest a more affordable 100-series opteron (s939 or s940 if you already have the board). If it isn't being used ina server, go with a s939 opteron.

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cant remember what his reasons are but 's got a gigabyte moherboard, 2gb of corsair ecc registed RAM, XFX 6800GT and about 840gb of HDD space!



ummm.. why do i think this isn't being used for a server or purposes that it was ment for but a gaming rig :ph34r:

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that would be a good CAD rig.


but back on topic yes teh 242 stock fans will work fine IF you're staying 130nm or 90nm cores. if your'e changing die size change the fans. the 90nm ones run a wee bit warmer than the old 130's

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