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3ds Max: Wires.. Not Wire Frame.. Wires


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Good day'


I was wondering if anyone here knew of a plugin or some sort of really, really effective technique to make wires? Splines and such is taking too long as is really annoying :sleep:




I have to create a lot of wires and doing them individualy and then putting waves, bend etc into it is a really slow and gureling proess in which I'd love to avoid :lol:

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hold on i'll take a screen shot, its not a plugin its an option



now that i think of it you are asking somthing differnt, oh well i already have the screenshot if this is what your looking for.

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well i don't really remember 3ds that much, i've got into cinema 4d


but maybe this will help...*shrug*



make a regular spline, and a circle.




slide both of them under a "sweep nurbs" object, with the circle above the freehand spline.





enjoy =)



maybe there might be something similar with 3ds, it's been ages since i used it, back when version 5 was "new".

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