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Hmm What To Do To My Website?


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OK i have my linux server up and all that as a webserver and the big question is what now.


I have the beginner stuff but I need something cool.


ANY ideas are welcome!


And I have been working with some flash but its too time consuming.


So is there any Java that does some pretty cool stuff?


My Webpage

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I don't want to sound discouraging but you are far from having a website. You are not even at the point where you ask people for ideas, since at the stage you are there could be so many ideas nobody will even bother to say.


Learn some more, work more on it, before you go around showing it to people ... Like you'll spare yourself and others the trouble of posts "that are not so full of praise" ;) . Be wise.

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So is there any Java that does some pretty cool stuff?

Do u even know the difference between Java and Javascript? If you don't , why don't you start reading about it. There is LOTS , LOTS of cool Java and Javascript stuff ... make a search man, you'll be bombarded with results... And I really hope you don't use Frontpage <_<

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OK i guess my las t post got deleted because it affended ppl well srry!


I just wanted ideas on whats hip in web design i wasn't showing off.


I was getting ideas on how ppl design pages either Flash, Javascript,or all the other various programing languages.


Thnx Anyways i guess im on my own lol. ;)

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OK i guess my las t post got deleted because it affended ppl well srry!

No, it was deleted because it was in all caps and you did it on purpose at that! :angry:

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Well if you want to know what's "hip" in web design, then perhaps the best and the easiest thing you can do is surf the web. Look around for some of the coolest stuff around. See what you like, see what you do like. Then try your own style. If all you do is incorporate a bunch of cool stuff from all over, it'll probably turn out mediocre at best. What you need to do is use what's already there as inspiration and do your own thing. Create your own vibe with your own style.


You can even find some friends or other people who would be willing to help you out. You can even get people to critique your work as you go along. Just show some people and ask what they think. Showing to fresh eyes will uncover flaws that you the maker would never see. I've done my share of Flash work and some of the easiest most obvious ways to improve some of your work is right in front of your eyes but I would never see it. I show it to somebody who's never seen it and bam! They point out some of the most obvious flaws in there. Deisgning can both be considered a science and an art. The science part is the technical aspect to it, you know languages or tools behind the scenes. But the art part is what you do and how you implement the tools and your own style into it. I started making stuff in Flash that I thought was so cool that I thought I was the man, then I look at sites like www.whoswe.com and www.widegroup.net and I see that while I myself have come a long way from being your average n00b, there's still a lot to learn.


So basically you can't expect to throw together award winnning stuff and your first try. I didn't start getting any good with making complete GUI's and interactive presentations until about a year after I started learning Flash and Director. Even now I'm nowhere near as good as I want to be. Artistically I can imagine and picture in my mind all kinds of stuff, but I can't get it down on paper or in this case the computer.


I didn't mean to rant or anything, I just started typing and stuff kept flying into my head. I'm not trying to discourage or downplay anything. I'm just trying to give a word of advice from a guy who jumped into the world of web design over a year ago.


So if you want any help or whatever feel free to hit me up on Aim or email or something. I'm not exactly sure what your going for in your website, like the goal, what it's for, and how you want to do it. Like with Flash, good ol' html or whatever.


Okay I'll shutup now... :blink:

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:) Thanks for the info.


I was thinking of putting up a forum and a bunch of different stuff to download, at least thats my goal.


Right now i'm trying to come up with a cool smooth flash into that shows my site.


I like making anime music vids so i starting putting them up and then saw how cool moding computers was so i am gonna add some php galleries. I found a pretty neat looking menu that i can use. I mainly have trouble designing cool looking logos they always end up looking wierd. So im thinking of not making that main animations for starters.



But thanks for all the comments. And sorry for the caps i type like that everytime i chat to ppl.


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