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Problem On Starwars Battlefront2


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it could be, in which case you'd have to disable the second core. But before we go there, please post your computer specs and maybe a little more detail on what's happening (when does it close? any error msgs? etc etc.)

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well like sometimes i will be in one of the loading screens and then just close out or other times at the end of a level

and my specs are amd dual core 3600 1 gb or corsair value selct mem. 400 gb harddrive and windows xp 64 edition

and dual core xfx 7800 gt's

Edited by spudd4242

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i look on the drives but where do i find the last 2


if it's not in the manual, then check the official site, specifically the FAQ section and/or support forums. If it is an issue, most likely it would have already been addressed. When I get home, I'll try and see what I can find. Or maybe someone actually running the game can help you (i loved the first one, just haven't had a chance to get the second one).

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