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Help Me Overclock My Opteron Please

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ok, got my system together now, my Opty 150 turned out to be a CABGE(which i gather is not notorious for hitting the very highest overclocks, but lets see what this one will do) but i am a complete noob when it comes to AMD, so help a brutha out


memory running currently at 2-2-2-6 1T @ 2.65v


room temp 13.5*c, Zalman CNSP7000B-CU HSF at max speed, case has two 80mm fans in front intake, two 80mm fans in back exhaust, one 120mm fan in top blowhole exhaust, one 120mm fan in PSU sucking out, tons of air flow


cpu in BIOS runs about 24*c(which i gather is about 80% load), idle in windows about 14*c, and 29-30*c under full Torture OCCT


all voltages and so on are in check, CPU 1.42v, NB Voltage 1.5v, LDT Voltage 1.25v, DRAM voltage 2.65v, so now i am ready to oc this baby


what options i do have in the bios are as follows:


"Hyper Transport Frequency" is selectable between Auto, 1Ghz, 800Mhz, etc..etc..down to 200Mhz


"Hyper Transport Width" is selectable 16 up 16 down, 8 up 16 down, 16 up 8 down, and 8 up 8 down


"CPU at boot" is able to be set to any value i type in, currently at 200Mhz(if i change to 220Mhz the "DRAM clock at boot" setting automatically goes to 220Mhz as well)


"DRAM at boot" is also selectable to any value, currently set at 200Mhz


"CPU ratio" is selectable at 4x, 5x, 6x, etc..etc...to 12x


"CPU vcore" is selectable from 1.10v to 1.55v (currently running 1.42v default)


"CPU vcore shift 7" selectable from +50mV, +100mV, +150mV, etc..etc..to +350mV


so what exactly do i need to change in order to get this thing overclocked?


i tried just changing the CPU at boot to 220Mhz, it changed the DRAM at boot to 220Mhz automatically, didn't change anything else, and it took forever to load windows and i got all sorts of errors at boot.....so i decided i needed to come here to get some more help since i obviously have no clue on how to OC an AMD CPU

Edited by habitual geek

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* memory running currently at 2-2-2-6 1T @ 2.65v

any options to change these settings? CL, tRCD, tRP, tRAS, CPC, vdimm


* all voltages and so on are in check, CPU 1.42v, NB Voltage 1.5v, LDT Voltage 1.25v, DRAM voltage 2.65v, so now i am ready to oc this baby

can you change the NB/LDT voltages?


* "Hyper Transport Frequency" is selectable between Auto, 1Ghz, 800Mhz, etc..etc..down to 200Mhz

ok 1ghz = 5x, 800 = 4x, 600 = 3x, 400 = 2x, 200 = 1x, you want to use 4x for htt (fsb) 201-250mhz, and 3x 251-333mhz... htt freq is somewhat like a quad-pumped p4 bus... on the nf4 it needs to be at or below 1000mhz... so you take your htt/fsb (say you have 220mhz, and multiply by 4x (800mhz in this setting) and you get 4x220=880mhz)


* "Hyper Transport Width" is selectable 16 up 16 down, 8 up 16 down, 16 up 8 down, and 8 up 8 down

16/16 is what you want


* "CPU at boot" is able to be set to any value i type in, currently at 200Mhz(if i change to 220Mhz the "DRAM clock at boot" setting automatically goes to 220Mhz as well)

this is htt, akin to fsb


* "DRAM at boot" is also selectable to any value, currently set at 200Mhz

not sure about this, all nf3/nf4 boards have presets at 200/183*/166/150*/133/100 to set a divider 200=1:1, 166=6:5, etc


* "CPU ratio" is selectable at 4x, 5x, 6x, etc..etc...to 12x

cpu multi


* "CPU vcore" is selectable from 1.10v to 1.55v (currently running 1.42v default)

vcore base value


* "CPU vcore shift 7" selectable from +50mV, +100mV, +150mV, etc..etc..to +350mV

vcore additive value (base + additive = total vcore)


setting the htt multi to 4x (800mhz) should let you oc the mobo up to 250mhz htt/fsb... you need to loosen the ram tho to like 2.5-3-3-7-1T or so...


see how that works :)

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* memory running currently at 2-2-2-6 1T @ 2.65v

any options to change these settings? CL, tRCD, tRP, tRAS, CPC, vdimm


it has those trp, cas, yada yada, not alot, just those four settings, the 2-2-2-6 and the 1T or 2T command rate


* all voltages and so on are in check, CPU 1.42v, NB Voltage 1.5v, LDT Voltage 1.25v, DRAM voltage 2.65v, so now i am ready to oc this baby

can you change the NB/LDT voltages?


yes, NB and LDT voltages can be changed, not sure of the stepping of the values, or might be able to be entered numerically

* "Hyper Transport Frequency" is selectable between Auto, 1Ghz, 800Mhz, etc..etc..down to 200Mhz

ok 1ghz = 5x, 800 = 4x, 600 = 3x, 400 = 2x, 200 = 1x, you want to use 4x for htt (fsb) 201-250mhz, and 3x 251-333mhz

ok, i see, so the total is 1000Mhz, someone mentioned that in another thread before, something about totalling 1000Mhz


* "Hyper Transport Width" is selectable 16 up 16 down, 8 up 16 down, 16 up 8 down, and 8 up 8 down

16/16 is what you want


set as so, good


* "CPU at boot" is able to be set to any value i type in, currently at 200Mhz(if i change to 220Mhz the "DRAM clock at boot" setting automatically goes to 220Mhz as well)

this is htt, akin to fsb


ok, htt=fsb, good


* "DRAM at boot" is also selectable to any value, currently set at 200Mhz

not sure about this, all nf3/nf4 boards have presets at 200/183*/166/150*/133/100 to set a divider 200=1:1, 166=6:5, etc


um, i dont understand that but okay


* "CPU ratio" is selectable at 4x, 5x, 6x, etc..etc...to 12x

cpu multi


which i dont think is actually able to be changed no?


* "CPU vcore" is selectable from 1.10v to 1.55v (currently running 1.42v default)

vcore base value


got that


* "CPU vcore shift 7" selectable from +50mV, +100mV, +150mV, etc..etc..to +350mV

vcore additive value (base + additive = total vcore)



setting the htt multi to 4x (800mhz) should let you oc the mobo up to 250mhz htt/fsb... you need to loosen the ram tho to like 2.5-3-3-7-1T or so...


see how that works :)


ok, will try that




but wait!!


at what point am i going to have to add vcore?


and how much?


ok, here is where i am at


220Mhz CPU/DRAM clocks, at same timings and voltages, just changed HTT to 800Mhz and CPU/DRAM to 220Mhz each, and it is running great at 2640Mhz


so where do i go from here?


how far can i take the CPU/DRAM before i have to change vdimm, vcore, and memory timings?


if nobody replies to this i cant post again...........


ok, 220 was not occt stable according to occt, so, i tried some different things, and then it wouldnt even post, so i had to reset my cmos and start over again from stock, and this time the blue slider that shows up when windows starts to boot kept going across for like 3 minutes straight until it finally loaded my desktop.........


i am really starting not to like AMD overclocking.....too complicated

Edited by habitual geek

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change the ht freq to 600mhz, that gives you an effective ht multi of 3x which will give you htt (fsb) up to 333mhz... 3x333=999, ok so far?


right... so you've set that up... now change the cpu multi to like 8x... you can change the multi from anything DOWN from the stock cpu multi on a64's... aka upwardly locked...


set the ram timings CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-CPC to 2.5-4-4-7-1T


now you can test out the ram and htt/fsb... see what happens with that, you'll soon hit instability with the ram (use spi1m for a quick indicator) and then play around with vdimm...


if you set a divider on the ram somehow so the ram runs slower than the htt/fsb then you can find the maximum htt/fsb of the mobo... after doing that you can switch back to 1:1 to find the max ram speed...


then you can use that as a guide to ocing your cpu with the new found htt/ram maximums...


so say you find the htt max is 310, max ram is 290, then you can increase the cpu multi up from 8x to 9x and see how that pans out.... :)

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change the ht freq to 600mhz, that gives you an effective ht multi of 3x which will give you htt (fsb) up to 333mhz... 3x333=999, ok so far?


right... so you've set that up... now change the cpu multi to like 8x... you can change the multi from anything DOWN from the stock cpu multi on a64's... aka upwardly locked...


set the ram timings CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-CPC to 2.5-4-4-7-1T


now you can test out the ram and htt/fsb... see what happens with that, you'll soon hit instability with the ram (use spi1m for a quick indicator) and then play around with vdimm...


if you set a divider on the ram somehow so the ram runs slower than the htt/fsb then you can find the maximum htt/fsb of the mobo... after doing that you can switch back to 1:1 to find the max ram speed...


then you can use that as a guide to ocing your cpu with the new found htt/ram maximums...


so say you find the htt max is 310, max ram is 290, then you can increase the cpu multi up from 8x to 9x and see how that pans out.... :)




i am completely lost now.............i need someone to come here and do this for me or show me while being here i think...........too many things to change and keep track of........


and this overclocking thing is not working for me, i thought i borked my system just now


i tried HTT 800Mhz, 250Mhz CPU/DRAM, memory set to 2.5-3-3-8 1T @ 2.75v, and it wouldnt even post.............

Edited by habitual geek

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Must have patience. I have found that it helps me to write down what i am doing so i don't forget. And i make one change at a time and try it.



but every time i miss the mark i have to reset my CMOS, go back through ALL those settings again, etc.........man thats aggravating!

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but every time i miss the mark i have to reset my CMOS, go back through ALL those settings again, etc.........man thats aggravating!


thats how we learn, trial and error. sometimes depending on your ram, the settings may not work when you start overclocking it.

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Yes it is aggravating, I know. I reset the cmos twice today just to end up only 50mghtz higher then the day before..Anyway what hardnrg was saying was to find the max HTT's of your mobo and your max ram freaquency. After that you can find your max cpu OC keeping your HTT and your memory close to the max you found. So what are you really confused about? For me it was the ram divider and the HTT.

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thats how we learn, trial and error. sometimes depending on your ram, the settings may not work when you start overclocking it.



man.....that is soooo time consuming......and irritating.....and hard on my knees!!


when are these motherboard manufacturers going to get with the program and allow us to make a bootable floppy with our own BIOS settings that will auto load at reboot...???


that would be so nice, would save a ton of time and make this process very painless....


i dunno, it's all so confusing, i hate math, suck at it, use a calculator for anything besides 2+2, and i am lazy sometimes at that so...............

Edited by habitual geek

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