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Oc Blue Screen


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I attempted to over clock my 1200 amd athalon mp to 1800+. When I did this, it displayed a blue screen after attempting to load windows xp with white numbers and words, cant make them out, goes too fast. After it displays that screen it reboots and goes to the blue screen and reboots, etc. What is causing this? Can someone please help?

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What's your cooling situation? You might want to lower it down a bit if its crashing. don't go from 1200 right to 1800, just work your way up slowly by raising the fsb by 5 or 10 and see how high you can get while keeping it stable.

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just means your system can't handle what you asked it to do... without changing something else...

doubt it is cooling, could be that your CPU needs more voltage, that your RAM needs more voltage, that the timings don't work, that the AGP card is out of spec due to the higher FSB,


could be many many things


Thats what makes OCing fun...it is a puzzle

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just means your system can't handle what you asked it to do...  without changing something else...

doubt it is cooling, could be that your CPU needs more voltage, that your RAM needs more voltage, that the timings don't work, that the AGP card is out of spec due to the higher FSB,


could be many many things


Thats what makes OCing fun...it is a puzzle



:withstupid: It is also what can make OCing horribly aggravating all at the same time lol.


If you could say what the error message on the blue screen says it would help determine just exactly what the problem is. The first things I would try is upping your vcore(if cooling permits), upping your vdimm, and loosening mem timings.

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Too much OC too soon=BSOD. Try going up slowly, like 5 Mhz front side bus at a time. You can disable spread spectrum for better OC.


I would suggest setting the timings to 3-4-4-8 and see how high you can get the CPU. Then you can worry about the RAM.


One more tip: you'll get more help if you list all the parts in your computer so others can see what you're working with.

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The blue screen of death....don't try to make out what it says, you won't be able to, and even if you do, it will be of no help.


I think that overclocking from 1200+ to 1800+ at once like that is the source of the problem. Try reseting the bios, if you don't know how to do that, looks through your motherboard manual, ect...

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The blue screen of death....don't try to make out what it says, you won't be able to, and even if you do, it will be of no help.



That is not so! I have seen so many BSOD's I can normally get a pretty good idea what is causing it if I can get the full error message.

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That is not so! I have seen so many BSOD's I can normally get a pretty good idea what is causing it if I can get the full error message.


like if it contains the word "registry" u can usually asume that its time to format....LOL.

if its something about taking a dump....its hardware lol....just what i have found.


also, we need to know what the specs of the rest of ur system, what chipset, motherboard, ram, powersupply? <-those are the most important ones. we can then go from there.

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Are you overclocking two cpus at once because your computer specs say


2 AMD Athalon MP 1.2 Gig Each OC'd to 1.4

AGP Radion 9200

PCI Nvidia Gforce4

Gig of Ram 2700 DDR

XP Pro


Do you got 2 different computers with amd mp or a singal one with 2 cpus?

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