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X1800xt Problems?


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I've been trying to get BF2 going with the x1800xt... I have it on all high settings which it should easily beable to handle, first time with AAx6 it would crash/lockup then restarts my computer after the map loaded and I hit ready. I then went into the game after windows loaded and took off the AA, still crashed. I cant figure out how to get any game working really. I had another 3d game that was crashing, it finally worked but only in windowed mode, havent tried that on bf2 yet. Also, when I tried running 3dMark2005 Pro it would crash during the first test. I am not sure whats going on, but im getting pretty angry.


Mobo - Abit AN8 Fatal1ty


Videocard - Radeon x1800xt


Soundcard - SB Audigy 2 ZS Platinum


Memory - 2gb of Corsair XMS (Diffrent timings, possible problem?)


TWINX1024-3200XLPT : 2,2,2,5 (2 sticks, each 512mb)


TWINX1024-3200LLPT : 2,3,2,6 (2 sticks, each 512mb)


RAM running with all AUTO settings in BIOS.




Harddrive - Windows is installed on 10gb Seagate, but game is on a moderatly new 120gb Westerdigital drive.


O/S - Windows Pro SP. 2


DirectX - 9.0c


Both sound and display drivers are upto date.

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It sounds like to me its either a memory problem (timings, voltages, etc.) or a PSU problem.


Have you run memtest, super Pi32M, prime 95 blended test, etc. to test out your ram for any errors/instability? If you are running 4 sticks of ram you would obviously have to run a command rate of 2T. As for memory timings i would try 2-3-3-6-2T @ 2.6 or 2.7v


As for your PSU, it could be the reason why your game locks up during any 3D intensive program when the video card needs a lot of power to run. What PSU do you have and what kind of voltage readings are you getting during idle and load? Remember to use a digital multimeter to test your voltages. For more info check out the PSU FAQ.

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Well I took out the two old sticks I was trying to use yet that didnt fix the problem. So, I am assuming its not the memory now. It could possibly be the PSU but I doubt it. The PSU is an Antec TRUE Power 550watt and its got a 2x10 main mobo connecter but the motherboard has a 2x12 connection (but the manual said it didnt matter) and the PSU is ATX 2.0 version... Any ideas on what it could be? I am running windows on a crappy harddrive atm, a 10gb one because my raid harddrives came broken so I have to wait for a replacement. However, I installed the game on a diffrent 120gb harddrive running as a slave to my 10gb one. Could this affect that? I only have 1.01 GB space on my windows harddrive left and 7.8+ on my 120gb one.

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memory, you never want to mix ram with differant latencies together


yeah thats it, thats a older 20 pin psu, and that board has 24 pins, those extra 4 pins are extra power connectors to your video card, you need a new 24 pin psu that can handle a fx and that x1800xt

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memory, you never want to mix ram with differant latencies together


yeah thats it, thats a older 20 pin psu, and that board has 24 pins, those extra 4 pins are extra power connectors to your video card, you need a new 24 pin psu that can handle a fx and that x1800xt



Well, why did the manual say I didnt need a 24 pin PSU?

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Well, why did the manual say I didnt need a 24 pin PSU?



beacuse, it CAN run without it, the connecotrs arn't neccsary, all they are are extra 12vs and grounds, but they include it for the NEW power hungry video cards and cpus, like your FX and your x1800xt...


20 pin was made in the times of AGP, and i believe that it had a capacity of 55 watts


24pin made in the times of pci-e, which has a capacity of around 80 watts,


so in other words, you have a power hungry system that uses more power than it supplys

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why would it only crash during games then? I was able to run a game in windowed mode fine, but not full screen, and bf2 doesnt have windowed mode so i cant test that



games probably put more load on your cpu and your video card. Example, Cpu and Video card works harder requiring more poqer to run, but your Psu can't supply it all.


A wire can only hold so many amps you know...

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what about those 3 dollar adapters u can pick up... i would hate buying a new 100+ dollar plus psu



new adptors just take the powr off the existing 20 pin cable.. in other words there useless and do the same exact thing...

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Ughhh, how positive are you that its a PSU problem.... Is it possible to like go get a PSU from like compusa see if thats the issue and then return it for money (not store credit) if its not?



I'm pretty sure, but just in case check with other members. Yes, you can just say that i didn't work :ph34r::ph34r:

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