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Hard Drive Issue


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ok i just got 2 new 250gb maxtor IDE drives for 100 bucks and im trying to get one of them working right now (the other isnt installed) and when i booted into winblow$, it recognized it and said the model name and said "your new hardware is ready to use".

the problem is, it isnt seen in "my computer" but "everest" (a program for info about your pc) see's it and even reports its temp as 22C LOL.... how can i get it to display in my computer?




EDIT* ok everest sees it as a PHYSICAL drive but not a LOGICAL drive...wtf is up with that also? LOL.

Edited by sYstEmATiC

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the hardware is being seen, but if the drive isn't formatted, it's useless to windows. try this--

start-control panel-performance and maintenance-administrative tools-computer management-disk management

right click any "unknown" regions and "format". this should assign a drive letter and make it ready for windows usage.


good luck

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