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When I am playing a game like Counter-Strike Source about after 5-10 minutes of play I keep hearing the clicking noise from my computer. Occasionally the Game just locks up for no reason at anytime. then if it dosn't lock up during the game it locks up about 1 mintues after I exit out of any game. I temps during the game are about Processor 65C (Prescott Processor) and about 48C for the Video card. I am using speed fan for the Processor temp and a Temp probe for the video card. I don't know what is causing this problem and the temps inside my case are pretty cool about 30C the northbridge runs about 30C and my two hard drive run about 35C max.


I have a cheap 420 watt power suppy that came with the case which might be the reason cause it is pretty crappy and the fan in it makes some horrible noises.


My specs are


3.4 ghz Prescott HT

Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb R360 Core

2 gb Ram

420 Watt PSU

40 gb 10000 RPMs

160 gb 7200 RPMs

P4C800-E Mobo



any help on this problem would be great, this locking up thing is starting to get annoying. I have a stock HS on the processor and Vid card I think gettin better ones might help, or a newer and better PSU.






Edit heres a pic of my Speed fan power meters



Edited by Matthew585

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well your CPU temps are hot to say the least, 60C is the highest i would let even a presshot..umm prescott core go...the PSU is likely playing a role in your stability aswell. Just which case did it come with? If you say Aspire X-Dreamer II then it is very liekly the problem. and if you say much of any other brand it's still likely a problem :)

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lol yeah it is the x-dreamer II ok thx for the help I am thinking about get a new heatsink for processor and a new power supply what are some good ones. I don't really want to spend more than 50$ on either HS or PSU. which is the best for the price.



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