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6600, 6800, Or 7800?


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Im looking to upgrade my video card and I can afford the 7800GT but my question is will the MSI 6600GT 128mb perform games at max settings? Battlefield2, Call Of Duty 2, Half-life 2, and NFS Most wanted? I just want a GOOD card that will run games smoothly. The MSI 6600GT has some good reviews. should i pay more and go ahead and get the 7800gt or will the 6600gt do the job for a year or two?

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umm 7800GT would be slightly held back by that, but 6600GT will not perform high settings in BF2 (and the 7800GT in my system wouldnt do max @1280x1024 until i got above 1GB ram and over 2.3ghz)


so i say 7800GT for current and future joy or a 6800GS for good gaming now, and ok in the future, the 6600GT seems underpowered if you have the cash for better.

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$225-$275 (not yet for sale but soon so pricing may vary, probably on the low end with 7800GT's being $300 already)


the 6600GT will have trouble at high resolutions, above 1280x1024(1280x960) with AA/AF, but can run alot of games at 1600x1200 at high details but with no or little AA/AF


i wouldn't buy anything less than the 6800GS unless you are replacing everything within 6 months

Edited by habitual geek

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A good card for know is the 6800 6800gt 6800gs with 256 ram. But why not just but the 7800gt know and just put it in your new system when you build it?




i agree, but i would wait for the 7800GS to come out and affect 7800GT pricing, either the 7800GT will come down in price before or after, just a matter of time

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guess ill order the EVGA 256mb 7800GT. then later on when the prices come down i will order another to run in SLI and maybe get a dual core cpu then. i have the MSI K8N SLI-F nForce4 board. or should i just go with the 6800 GS for now then order another later?

Edited by Miichael

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guess ill order the EVGA 256mb 7800GT. then later on when the prices come down i will order another to run in SLI and maybe get a dual core cpu then. i have the MSI K8N SLI-F nForce4 board. or should i just go with the 6800 GS for now then order another later?




if you are gonna go SLI, you may as well save a ton and go with two 6800GS's


beats one 7800GT, beats one 7800GTX, etc..........and you can get two of those for like $430 total............OR, if you really want high end, get a 7800GT or GTX now and go with two later, at a much higher cost though...........



Edited by habitual geek

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