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Random Reboots Hd Failure?


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Well recently I have been having a few problems with my computer. Randomly it will just restart and usually when coming back into windows it will do a scandisk before booting into windows. Just last week I had a bigger issue where it would run scandisk every time I booted up the computer and usually found errors but when it got near done it would say unspecified error occurred and then just boot into windows not finishing..So I put in my winxp pro cd to do a repair install and about 5 mins into repairing windows it haulted and an error screen came up saying that Drive C: is corrupted so I then just booted back into windows took everything off from one drive that I wanted to save (music, save games, important docs...etc) and put it onto my other hard drive then went back and completly wiped the drive clean and a fresh install of windows on the drive again...well now after a week I am running into random reboots again...not as frequent as before but I have a feeling that it is going to get more frequent as I go if I continue to run it like this...What I want to know is there any program that I can run that can check my hard drive to see if there is bad sectors on the drive at all or something of that nature....I bought these 2 drives the same time and if one has errors on it that can't be fixed well then I will have to just burn everything onto cds and use the other drive and hope to god that my other 60gb drive is ok...I never have had an OS on the other one it was primarily there for backing up and its come in good use when my Windows does this to me

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Well, If a reformat didn't cure the problems then its a bad drive and you sold allow it to die, and just not use it anymore, however the Ultimate boot disk has serveral programs that can assist you.


Can be downloaded here.



Use another computer to download the .iso file, then burn the .iso file to a blank disc using Nero or another Burning program that can burn .iso files.


This boot disk has 13 differen't Harddrive diagnostic prgrams and multiple partition programs.

Edited by Ste

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