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My classes for winter 05 :)


NSCOM 227 Implementing Directory Services

POLSC 101 Introduction to Politics

BIOL 100 Introductory Biology


This should be fun...


Just thought I'd share

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How are you people taking so many courses during the winter? I think my university only allows a max of two classes during the winter since it's only 3 weeks long. Now spring semester is another matter. Here's my lineup:


American Foreign Policy

Government and Business

American Presidency

Hormones and Behavior

Adolescent Development


It would be the best semester ever, but I've gotta study for LSATs, which sort of takes away from excitement of a potentially easy semester.

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It was not my intention to start a competition but if U insist...


By 'bring it on' I was referring to the semester, since I'm sort of, but not really looking forward to it. :lol: Guess I did sound a bit competitive with my statement. Sorry, bout that! :lol:


Of course, if I want to get competitive, I could just say that my schedule is bigger than yours!


How are you people taking so many courses during the winter?
Oh yeah, whoops, I just saw his schedule and assumed Spring 06. lol. I gotta get to bed, starting to not read and I'm writing without thinking. :sleep:

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