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Photoshop Gurus


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i give up with drawing in photoshop, so i know there are alot of photoshop gurus here and i was wondering if someone could help me. i need a certain shape drawn for a logo/header and i cant get it. i made a paint drawing of it to show what i want it to look like. I have no idea how to use that stupid pen tool. but anyways if anyone could helpm out i would appreciate it. i just need the shape, i know how to pimp it out , i want it to look like chrome and other small details that i can do so i just need the basic shape so i can work with it

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could have made it a gif tho... maybe like an 8-colour gif... would probably be 1/20th of the size


I guess everybody's gonna break my balls today. :lol: Yeah, I could have, but the rasterization against transparency w/a .gif looked terrible.

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