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What College Do You Go To?


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I was sitting here thinking about college, and I realized I have no idea where I want to go. I would like a degree in something to do with technology, but don't know what. What subject are people majoring in, and at what college?

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Where do you live? I'd say first you have to determine how far you're willing to go. For some people it doesn't matter, for others, they want like a 300mile radius or whatever.


Secondly, I highly, highly recommend visiting schools during your junior year and beginning of senior year. I know it really helped me narrow down my choices.


I went to Cornell University. Beautiful campus, crappy weather most of the year. I majored in Applied Economics and Management though, not computers. But they have an outstanding engineering school, and the majority of my friends were actually engineers (EE or CS). I wish I went to a school that offered more in the way of computer graphics/animation, but I didn't really know what I wanted back then. Still, college was the best 4 years of my life.

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distance matters not, im not one of those who will go home every two weeks to visit my parents or whatever.


i HATE cornell university notes by the way lol


engineering would be a goood thing too, I like math and such

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distance matters not, im not one of those who will go home every two weeks to visit my parents or whatever.


i HATE cornell university notes by the way lol


engineering would be a goood thing too, I like math and such


cornell university notes? I'm not sure I know what you're referring to. Can you explain? :)

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Im a senior in HS applying to college looking to major in Computer Engineering. So far I have applied to Rowan, Rutgers, SUNY, Western New England, Elizabethtown.

I have a GPA of 3.3 and SATS of 1800 on the new ones(a 1210 on the old ones). I also live in Central New Jersey so all colleges i am applying to are in the tri-state area.

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when i was in public school, they made us do this thingy where you would split the paper.. ah forget it here's a pic:



and those were called "cornell university notes"?? Interesting. I dunno why, doesn't look familiar to me.

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computer engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology. I believe we are number 2 in the country in this respect. Great engineering department on the whole. However, if you are going to college to find chicks or party, dont' go there. the ratio is terrible and there are never any close parties. great school though

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