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Computer Crashes Help


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my computer crashes just as i log into windows xp it goes to a dark blue screen and says a error has occured


it comes up with this fault:




technical information:

*** stop 0x00000035(0x81b4f008,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000


then it says this


begining dump of physical memory

dumping physical memory


starts to count to 100 and then crashes again


i can get into windows thru safe mode but any other way it crashes.


any help would be great


thanks blogs :ph34r:

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The error has to do with a poorly written driver that you have in your system that tries to re-insert itself and it can't. If possible, get us a HiJackThis log and we'll see whats messing up your system.

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:blink: ....Im not trying to hijack your thread, but I get something like that sometimes but its more like Im doing something just like this, just on the internet or whatever and the thing just flashes a blue screen I barely saw (which kinda looks like what blog described). Then windows reboot, but sometimes, while windows is loading, it'll do it again, and again, sometimes once, sometimes for hours. I have it overclocked from 3000mhz to 3014mhz (I gave up on my previous overclock...too unstable). When windows reboot, its says it recovered from a serious error, the problem: minidump

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