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What's A Better Boot Drive? 4xhd(raid0) Or Raptor?


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Right now, I have 4 x 200GB Maxtors 7.2K 8mb striped with a 50GB partition for my System drive (C drive). It loads (from post) in less the 30 seconds. Fast for me.


But, I notice, a lot of people have a raptor for their boot drive. Would this be faster? Is it worth getting, say a 36g raptor for that purpose?





Also, can someone explain this to me...


I have been told that by making a partition just for your boot drive, you can install all other programs on other partitions and when you need to reinstall windows, you dont have to redo everything. Just the C drive. How do you do this? I have ALWAYS reinstalled windows by doing a fresh install. Backing up all important files (my docs) and just starting over from scratch. I do this every few months, but it's a pain in the butt cause I have to reinstall all of my games and other programs. Service pack2, etc...


Is there a way to shorten this process by just reinstalling windows on the C drive but keeping all of the other programs safe on the other drives? If so, how do you know if windows points to all of the programs correctly still? All of the shortcuts in the Start menu wont be there anymore right? Can someone enlighten me on this? Thank you!

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if you only have a 50gig partition and 800gigs total, i'd say you should just ghost that partition...


i actually prefer re-installing from scratch because by the time i need to re-install i want to do things differently or have a different purpose for the machine so i don't actually want it to be the same...

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if you only have a 50gig partition and 800gigs total, i'd say you should just ghost that partition...


i actually prefer re-installing from scratch because by the time i need to re-install i want to do things differently or have a different purpose for the machine so i don't actually want it to be the same...



Agreed, a fresh intsall is always nice, and my program usage tends to shift a bit over time, so I don't always want the same stuff on there.


You could always create yourself a windows install CD (or DVD, whatever) and slipstream the programs you definitely want onto it. Set it up so you don't have be at the computer and you can just set it to work and come back later when its done.

Edited by jammin

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I would have to infer that the 4 drives will boot faster, in almost every situation they are going to give you better read performance then the raptor. Now as far as write and acsess speeds that a different story, Correct em if i'm wong but RAID -1 is the one with lower write speeds, so you should be able to get good writes on those drives, However! the acsess tiem will be low i think,so it may be best if you move your page file ot teh RAPTOR becaseu A) it will be on a different channel then the other drives allowing for simultanius use, and B) the 10,000RPM spendal speed means better access times.

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