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ok im posting on my cousins new a64 754 rig i built and riva tuner says something about unlocking professional capabilities and enabling masked hardware unites, whats this about?

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but riva tuner says something can be unlocked. then i checked the bios and i guess its just riva tuner being retarded (pun intended :P ) on the other hand, cool bits is nice.

edit: UGH that card is uber crap... i play guild wars on 4x aa and it looks like im playing the game on a fx-5500... BUT when i put it to 2x it looks fine, but the problem is why cant it play GW perfectly on 4x but it does on 2x yet compared to my x800xtpe i can play with 4x aa... im gonna finish on my cousins rig tomorrow, so far i got his 2800+ @ 2.0ghz 9x multi and 225 fsb. ill push it more but ill watch temps and ill try out other games. but any ways is there a issue with the 6800gt and 4x aa?

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but riva tuner says something can be unlocked. then i checked the bios and i guess its just riva tuner being retarded (pun intended :P ) on the other hand, cool bits is nice.

edit: UGH that card is uber crap... i play guild wars on 4x aa and it looks like im playing the game on a fx-5500... BUT when i put it to 2x it looks fine, but the problem is why cant it play GW perfectly on 4x but it does on 2x yet compared to my x800xtpe i can play with 4x aa... im gonna finish on my cousins rig tomorrow, so far i got his 2800+ @ 2.0ghz 9x multi and 225 fsb. ill push it more but ill watch temps and ill try out other games. but any ways is there a issue with the 6800gt and 4x aa?




Have you tried adjusting the Anti-Trospic (sorry for bad spelling :( ) settings yet? I have a 6800GT and play both Guild Wars and World of Warcraft on my system at 8xFFSS and 16xAF with my rig in my sig and it looks beautiful. Perhaps its a video setting in the game that is reducing your quality.

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