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How Can I Get More Fps?


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You want to increase the core and memory speeds. Be very careful and only increase them by a few MHz at a time, then run something 3d (3DMark is perfect) to make sure you didn't go too far. You'll notice wierd colors and other abnormalities if you overclocked too much. When you hit the wall, back down the speeds. Also, adjust the core and memory speeds one at a time so you know each one's maximum.


You probably won't get too much of an overclock out of a 5600, but try it and see.

Edited by gunak87

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hmmm, ill do that and see wat happens, thnx :)




ok i did that, but nothing helped, in one case, the fps went down to 60 instead of the 140 that i had before....well thnx anyway :P

Edited by xbox201

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