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Have I Applied A Good Coating Of Thermal Paste

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You're gonna get different responses based on the different opinions of people here on how to spread AS5. I personally am a proponent of putting a dab of it in the middle and letting the heatsink do the spreading. Just seems as though that would be more even than spreading it myself.


Others will tell you that you did a great job. Then there are those who will say slap a ton of the stuff on there and then put the heatsink on. I guess you could try all three and see which one gives you the best temps. Could take a few days for the trial and error process.

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then there are thoes of us who would say it's gonna run hot anyway, but it looks fine btw nice 7800GTX (personaly use the middle and let the HS do the rest method and have never gotten an air pocket that way.)

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I like to put just put a little and the middle and let the heatsink spread it for me. :)


About putting to much of it, I found out the hard way, but it really isn't hard to get off. I used some Artic Remover stuff and with a few drops and a q-tip I swiped it off and it looked shinier than new :)


(got some of it on the actualy chip [the AS5] but it still worked after that, yay!)

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what i do is just take a peice of paper and cut it to fit over the CPU perfectly so it will ketch any that comes off the sides, then i load the proc up and slap the heatsink on and let it smushe out the sides, then i rip the paper out and POOF perfect!


( obviosly this is done with pc off :) lol and i somtimes will take my mobo out, it makes it easyer for gettin the paper out)

Edited by pogs16a2

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