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Wild Ride!

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I knew my PSU was bad, but it wouldn't even let me boot at 230fsb with 10x multi, everything else was in line for it to work, RAM, CPU, all the voltage and timing stuff, just that stupid PSU sucks so much.


I settled on 215fsb which leaves me at 2.38ghz.. bah :glare:


First time I ever had to reset my CMOS, too. Taking out the soundcard and all that jazz. At least I know my limit with this PSU now. I'll be getting rid of it soon enough.

Edited by Hyper Threaded

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I'm not absolutely sure it is but, I do believe it's the weakest part of my system.


Anyway, it's running okay at 2.42 for now, I'm going to leave it there until a better PSU is put in.


Yes, it's also verified with CPU-z... http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=43926



Only needs 1.4v :thumbs-up:


Also flashed the BIOS to 1.B0, a few new OC options to play with when I learn wtf they do.

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I've put the AGP bus at 67, seems to be stable at 225 FSB now. Didn't know about that issue with my board, thanks for telling me. :)


Running F@H right now, I'll try some benchmarks later on.


For those curious folk that like to know all the boring stuff, here's another CPU-z data page. http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=44059

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