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Gaming Rig Monitor?

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Since dual monitoring is being considered another point is that CRTs take up considerably more real estate space on a desk compared to LCDs. LCDs are usually less deep than CRTs that can be up to a foot bigger in depth depending on brand.


Personally I like CRTs for most of the reasons listed above with NEC Multisyncs being my favorite. Mine is 4 years old and still works like a charm and if I had a large desk I would give it a brother. :) But LCDs have caught up a lot these days and if you get high end models it doesn't make too much of a difference. Dell/Samsungs (same thing) can handle resolutions very well. Viewsonics are also a very good brand. Of course with a budget of $500 that alone would go into just one LCD while with CRTs you can get two.

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You guys have got to be kidding me right? I'm a computer sales guy at Fry's and like NO one buys a CRT. No One. I'm surprised there is so much support for them. I think most of you have never seen/used a new generation TFT screen, they are SO much better then a CRT. If you get a nice Samsung of Viewsonic that has a response time below 8ms you could not see any ghosting with a gun to your head. You guys all really need to go out and see what the new TFT's are all about, look at one that has a 8ms or lower response time and a contrast ration over 550:1, you will be amazed.

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I have a peculiar problem with CRT monitors, back in '83 I was hit by a car and the back portion of my skull was essentially shattered, long story short my hearing is a bit off and I can "hear" the whine of a picture tube, a telvision with the sound off is like fingernails on a chalk board to me and every CRT monitor I have even seen is to some degree "uncomfortable" due to the CRT aspect of the monitor itself. The radiation put off by the monitor also hurts my eyes after a while and gives me headaches no matter the resolution, refresh rate etc...I found some special glasses a few years back and still have them for this purpose.


Currently I am using a Samsung 913T 19" LCD monitor at 1280x1024, 75 hz refresh. I am a true believer in the joys of good LCDs, I had a Proview with a 12 ms and 500.1 contrast, this one is 4-8 ms with an 800.1 contrast...wow.


No pain, no headaches, no eye strain, the quiet hum of my comp's fans the only noise in my room.


I will NEVER buy another CRT monitor.

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