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Pentium Voltages


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What are safe voltages for P4s? I have a 3.2 and right now have it at 3.73 but I am going to go higher. I wanted to know what kind of voltage i can give my processor without frying it. Thanks

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thoguth so, if your going to try anyhintg up around 1.65 make sure you have a ROCK solid votage regulator on thaty board, and that you have enough cooling because it will make a bunch more heat.

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If it is a Northwood you can go to 1.7v. Trust me with your motherboards V droop it will not be a problem watch your temps!! With a Prescott unless you have just a killer cooling system you should not exceed 1.6 and I would say 1.55 for daily use. You never said, is it a Northwood C 12 cap or 30?

Is it an Prescott ? Is it a DO or EO? If it is a Northwood 12 cap you are probably nearing your upper limit of OC now. Same with a Prescott DO.

If it is a 30cap or a EO there should be more. Not necessarily a lot, but more. Although that depends what type of mem you have and what dividers you have to use and so on. Remember good cooling is required here.



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I have a northwood. I am also cooling with a thermal right XP-90 with a panaflo fan. One question though is when i test it with OCCT the voltages drop to about 1.5 even though my MB is set at 1.625 any idea why this happens because it might have something to do with why it becomes unstable.

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I agree with RT, you can run them higher, but I don't recommend this for long term. Maybe for a benchmark run only. Running at that voltage will damage it eventually.


As for the voltage fluctuation, many boards have this problem. There are soldering way to fix some, but some boards do not have this problem as bad. For Northwood's I recommend the Abit IC7 max 3 board, I love this board.

Edited by Mangar

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