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Radeon 9900


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i dunno bout the 9900 but i do know that the R350 chipset will be released somewhere 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2003... and as i know the 9900 will be based on the R350...

and about the pic... it was published in almost every single hardware site and no one knows if its real and it was leaked by someone inside ATI or its fake..

Edited by alechko88

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I must say, the card looks "strange", with that cooler.. and look at the card size.. it won't even fit in my Xaser, because between my ti 4600 and my HD is only 1.5 inch , and i see the radeon is even longer... :O

in 2004?? crap that's long..

well i hope it's a fake pic, and the reall card is a lot smaller :D





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dime, u wont be happy to hear that the Gforce FX is just as big...

and this is the new cooling system of all new video cards.. there is an abit geforce ti 4200 otes and it uses the samew concept.

yes it takes two slots.. but its cooling is much more effective!

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wow, that fx is a hell of a card. luckily my mobo and case have 6 pci slots and i only have 1 being used :)

idd, but i don't think many people these times will still have that problem like: "crap i don't enought pci slots free" , most people have 4-6 so , that won't be a problem...mostly.. :P




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but this one is just as big as my ti4600 , or is it bigger?? :s



dime, the FX isnt longer or wider than ur Ti4600 its just thicker because of its cooling.

yeah i got that, but if ya look at the radeon 9900 , it looks a lot longer then the normal cards... :s




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