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Favorite Battlefield 2 Class


What is your favorite class in BF2 to play?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite class in BF2 to play?

    • Special Ops
    • Assault
    • Support
    • Sniper
    • Engineer
    • Medic
    • Anti-tank

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i personally like anti-tank just for the brute force. I always try to go sniper, but i will always return to AT. PLus, I always reflex shoot and with AT, I have a better chance of hitting something randomly :)

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im usually a medic especialyl with my kit upgrade, but spec ops is prob my number two position, then sniper...then anti tank....then engineer...support...assault


too bad i cant play ATM bc my 6800 JUST screwed up on me less than 3hrs ago...so yeah who knows when ill get to play BF2 again....

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I'm still learning the game so I played Assault mostly last night. Played around with the helicopter and did better than I thought; still have to figure out the whole plane/reverse throttle thing.


But yeah, I played Assault and a little Special Ops while trying to learn the game.

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