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Dual Monitor Setup


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was wondering if some1 can help me out with a little problem. u got 2 monitors


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now there's a little problem.


1) i'm playing war3 (and it takes up the full screen, u know what i mean? like same with starcraft, diable, and wow) when its in full screen playing on Monitor A, i wanna try to move my pointer to monitor B and answer an IM or do something. but when i alt tab out, war3 minimizes. i dont want it to minimize.


2) when i play war3 in windows mode, i maximize the game window on Comp A, so when i try to scroll in the game, it ends up going off to the next screen and while the mouse is in Monitor B, the game is still scrolling to whatever side it was on. like when i move the mouse from Monitor A to Monitor B, (having to move the mouse over the right edge of the game screen) the screen will start going towards the right and not stop, but my mouse is already on the other screen.


now what i'm trying to figure out is how i can have 1 and 2. i want to be able to play a game in full mode on Comp A and like maybe with a press of a button of some kind, move my mouse over to Comp B, and respond to whatever IM. (i dont want the game to minimize as it does in number 1, but then again i dont want it to scroll off the map and continue to scroll oon whatever eduge the mouse was last on.


any1 understood what i just typed and can help me out?

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afaik, if a game is full-screen, you can't drag the mouse off the side and onto a different display... you have to alt-tab...


use xfire? :)


allows you to IM from within a game without alt-tabbing

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all full screen games like that will take priority over your mouse. the pointer is disabled so mouse movement doenst just move a pointer, it moves your entire field of view.


like hardnrg said, get xfire. when someone messages you, a box pops up in the lower right corner... you can hit Scroll Lock + X (or whatever you set it to) and the message box will pop up ontop of your game, allowing you to message. no need to alt+tab.

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hermmm..I hada problem once with my 9600Pro where I set up dual monitors, and I started playing MOHAA. When I moved my cursor to the right to aim right,and instead of aiming to the right it dragged over to the 2nd monitor and the nazi killed me :(. But at the time that was the least of my concerns. I forgot what I did but i eventually fixed it just by switching a little button or something.

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