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A Scare When Installing Suse


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Ok so i just went to install Suse 9.3 professional over top of my old fc3 install and i got stuck on the partitioning part.


Right now i have two hard drives. One with about 96gb of windows and 15 gigs of my linux partition then 1gb for the swap. Now recently i got another hard drive to have windows on. so thats 111gb of all windows that musnt be touched (it has all my music and stuff) and i dont want to erase my windows partition either. All i want to do is install Suse overtop of my old linux partition. So, does this sound right?


- Delete Partition /dev/hda1 14.9gb (linux native)

- Create root partition 13.9 (/dev/hda3 with reiser)

- Create swap partition 1011.8mb on /dev/hda1

- Set mount point of /dev/hda2 to /windows/c

- Set mount point of /dev/hdb1 to /windows/d


Will that leave my windows partition untouched?

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