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Cooling Cpu's


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I totaly agree

but some people might like overclocking better then actualy using their performance.

some people might want to impress their not knowing friends with a watercooled 468.

some people might want a very quiet system, so they buy an extra power supply, 2 fans on the radiator, and 2 extra casefans aswell.

but not me.


I always buy cheap stuff.

and upgrade more often.

this saves money even on the long run,

and my brother and sister take the leftovers in exchange for some finencial support.


it's almost easier to everclock an low performance system then an bit higher one

I'm also one getting a $75 cpu, a $25 fan, and overclocking to a $125 cpu.


GO ukmile02 :D

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Yes, I must admit thats exactly whats held me back from water cooling.


For me the speed factor of overclocking would actually be the lowest motive.

I like the near silent factor and the radical look of colored water flowing around in the system, also the looks on people's faces that would no doubt ensue when I told them that my computer is water cooled. If the motive for a person to water cool is solely as you described, which for some it is, than I think it is a rip. Even with all the other added reasons I can't seem to want to shell out $150.00-200.00, maybe $75.00 I would be more tempted.

There are so many other mods a person can do with that same $200.00





Quote: A wise person is a nice person.

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M2C....I find that watercooling does provide you with "bragging rights", but this

is a hobby--and all hobbies have those whom are considered the ELITE. Watercooling

is great especially for the low noise it presents along with the advantages of

improved cooling over that of air cooling. Now in the case of OverClocking a processor

to speeds of a processor that costs less than the cooling system itself is a little

difficult to comprehend. But in a situation where the current processor can produce

better [processor] performance than the best on the market or even what's not

available for consumers--which run well into a few hundred dollars, watercooling

is a welcome.


[i'll be getting mine in a couple weeks--AirCooling a P4 [email protected] is LOUD!!!!]

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I, myself, run air cooling, but would like to one day water cool my comptuer. Not even for hte over clocking purpose though. I live in texas and lets face it texas isn't the coolest state in teh world. It gets hot here. Hot air just doesn't cool a hot cpu. With that fact in mind, the water cooling kits would be a great investment. Also later on the world may be running 22 ghz processors that HAVE to be water cooled because they are running so hot.... When that comes around u would already have a water cooler all u would have to do was upgrade your cpu water block. SOO in conclusion, if u got the money do it, if u dont screw it.

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Watercooling:Can anybody explain to me how you cool your processor down with water, lower than the room temp you experience at any time, without reverting to another stage of additional cooling like using freeser components, and then run the risk of condensation. Would'nt it be better to add airconditioning to your intake [say at constant 21 degrees C, and use air cooling instead ?

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Watercooling:Can anybody explain to me how you cool your processor down with water, lower than the room temp you experience at any time, without reverting to another stage of additional cooling like using freeser components, and then run the risk of condensation. Would'nt it be better to add airconditioning to your intake [say at constant 21 degrees C, and use air cooling instead ?

well this might help u out


watercooling revieuw by overclockersclub.com



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i wouldnt mind havin a water cooler...but air coolin is ok with me no matter how loud it is i can still sleep with it...i actually cant sleep without a fan on for some reason ..i sleep with one of those big box fans on high every night...

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i wouldnt mind havin a water cooler...but air coolin is ok with me no matter how loud it is i can still sleep with it...i actually cant sleep without a fan on for some reason ..i sleep with one of those big box fans on high every night...

gheheh, he's addictated to fans :P:D


gehhehe, greetzz, lol

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