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Guest Silenc3

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Guest Silenc3

Stupid [donkey] admin banned me for HIM running me over, its not like he tried to miss me, I cant run any faster!


[end vent]

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why is that? i dont see anything wrong w/ his post. in fact i have to agree w/ him. Alot of ppl will punish you for their own stupidity. I had layed down some mines for an enemy tank but the tank got destroyed before it reached my mines. then one of my teamates came drivin around the corner, and blew up. he punished me because he wasn't watching were HE was going. Its not like they arent marked w/ big red skullz!!!


If someone teamkills me and it is honestly an accident, like a tank backed over me cuz he couldnt see me, i usually forgive. if someone miss-identifys me and shoots me, then i punish them cuz thats is just for their stupidity. i wish more people would reason like t his a little better.


i noticed in the next patch for BF2, the teamkills are going to be calculated differently. not sure quite what they mean by that but i guess we'll see. :)

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