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Aopen Ti4200

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Hello I bought a aopen ti4200 64mb.

I have win xp pro , motherboard shuttle ak32 amd xp2000+. How much Can I overclock this video card, I know it has the option to set the memory clock and the core clock. Right now its at 250 the core and 515 the memory clock.

What would be the best setting?

Thank you,


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You'll want to [sLOWLY] increase the core engine as well the memory until

you start seeing artifacts during 3DMARK or gaming. At that time decrease

either core or memory or both--my experiences have taught me if the screen freezes,

but the HD LED is still active [flickers] then decrease the core engine....if

the screen freezes there is not activity [no flickering] on the HD LED then decrease the


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One thing to remeber is to look for artifacts. Download an Artifact Tester.

If you flashing lines that aren't supposed to be there when running 3DMark, you have some.

Lower the memory clock, that way the card will run correctly. Artifacts are a sign of too high settings.


Bad core settings might cuz Windows to lock up, so never check a box that says "Use these settings at startup", just incase it does lock up.

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