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First Time Overclocking

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ok im going to go offline for like 10 mins and try to overclock my CPU. im pretty nervous right now but i think i know how to do it (thanx to verran and others!)


if i wont be back in 10 or 15 mins, say "goodbye you 1020 euro processor!"


wish me good luck!!!

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ok is has been 30 mins. i raised it 100 first time and windows booted so i decided to do it more. at 4100 my computer wouldnt start :blink::blink::blink:


so i removed the battery for like 3 seconds and my computer still wouldnt start :O:O i removed it again for like 10 seconds and my computer started yay! i went to 4100 again and raised voltage to 1,47. i dont remember what was happening next but last time i raised it 300 to 5300 and my computer wouldnt start. i raised voltage to 1,62 and raised it to 5100. then i decided to be careful going 10 at a time.


so my max is 5130 megaherz and temperature went up from -80C to -10C.


is that good or not? this is my first time :)

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ya thats pretty crap good. Just be glad that you have that cooler!



i dont know man 1200 euros for 1,5 ghz...seems pretty ripoffish to me


overclocking sucks :angry: im dissapointed that i did it

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i dont know man 1200 euros for 1,5 ghz...seems pretty ripoffish to me


overclocking sucks :angry: im dissapointed that i did it



A 1.5GHz overclock is pretty insane if you ask me! Especially since you just..... whacked it right up there.


Things holding you back could be RAM. You said you went right up to "300" and it wouldn't boot. Without playing with your RAM at all..... I don't think it's going to get to 300MHz FSB very easily. Have you got that on a divider? Maybe try different timings?


Also try lowering the CPU voltage until it gets unstable again :P Then bump it back up a notch. Just so you're not putting unneeded volts through it! Well, I do that anyway.

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i dont know man i dont bother


by the way, my new 3dmark results


from 23133 to 25001 in 03


from 10064 to 1278 :D in 05 now i feel this one


im going to go offline overclock my memory, wish me good luck

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ya thats a good oc!


i got to 2.5ghz on my cpu from 1.83 but now my rams dying very very fast (and its not heat voltage or mhz) so i can only get 2.22 ghz out of it... i just need new ram.


Get better ram and you will get a better overclocker

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