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Someone Killed My Interest :(


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Well, someone thought I was making too much money, so they paid 50 points to decrease my interest level from 2% to 1%. Very sad. I'm trying to save up for the 1 week banner ad to advertise my new business (website under development). I've got 812 right now, and I need 5,000

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Does the intrest rate randomly change? My rate went down from 2 to 1 also. Now Im going to have to get 100 points to collect interest instead of just 50. :angry: I dont think anyone would waste the money to reduce my rate since I have less than 20 to begin with. :blink:


:edit: Hey you live in K-town also. Maybe Its a conspiricy by LP or Bosco to break D3 by decreasing the interest to the people that live in Tennessee.

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Ok. It seems he changed some things around. It's now a 2% withdrawal fee (used to be 1) and he added a 1% deposit fee. He also changed the lottery so you rarely win more than 30 points (previously it was very easy to get 50+). Ah well. Guess I'll sit back and let the interest build my money

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weird.. I have 250 in bank and have a credit card which adds 2% interest but my current interest is 1%.. so I was at -1 :P?


ah well im getting 8 points interest which isnt 1% of 250... cant complain!

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