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Hot Cpu?

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Hi all


I have tried to oc my AMD xp3200+ but it wont budge at all!!

even from 200mhz to 205mhz fsb it loads windows and restarts.

CPU temp is always 57 - 60C is this normal? also cpu fan speed (supposed to take 3200+ cpus) is 2300rpm?

Please advise?? :(

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Are you using the stock cooler? If so you need to get a good aftermarket cooler..I use the volcano 12 extreme and a nice thin layer of artic silver 5. What is the air flow in your case like? What motherboard and ram are you using???? You may need a good psu as well. I had my 3200+ at 2.6ghz. Make sure you lock the agp/pci at 66mhz or you can run into problems.

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57-60 degrees is just waaay too hot, especially got an idle temp, and especially to be overclocking it. get a volcano 12 like whitelightning said "its the cooler i used when i had my 3200+" and get the temps below 50, preferably below 45 if you can. then think about overclocking

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Did you get those temps from the onboard temp sensor or a temp probe? If you used the onboard temp sensor those temps could be off as much as 20*C. I would recommend a temp probe for measuring accurate temps.


Now how about some more info on your rig. What kind of mobo, ram, psu, etc. We need more information about your system to be able to help you.

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We need a list of things to check off when someone can not overclock at all.



OK here is basic info, I have also attached Sandra (ver 2004) report.


Amd Athlon XP3200+

MSI K7N2delta2

2 x 1GB Generic RAM

GeForce FX5500 (generic)

Stock CPU Fan

Jeantech JNP350P PSU


I used MSI PC Alert 4


Let me know if any other data reqd

Thanks... :rolleyes:

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