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Dumpster Dive

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I just wanted to get some reactions to this case to see if it would be worth continuing..


It was found in the dumpster (works) Harddrive is on last leg but no biggy Has an Amd K-6-2/350 processor it's an Aptiva pretty much stock would make a good firewall if anything..


There will be a window and all the case is painted now I'm at the cover it's self it will be painted Gloss Black the flames will be yellow and red I can't air brush the pic (i let a friend use my rig and he didn't clean it after use so i have to get a new one)


But it will look just like a decal would on a car when done and won't really be noticeable after 15 coats of clear finish.. so what do ya think is it worth putting this much into it.I will be selling it. just havn't decided how much..


Good or bad reactions are appreciated "thanks"

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Hi YODA74,


Go for it, if theres a call for custom case were you are or peddle your weres at fairs, then selling it wont be a problem, i could do with spending time in your workshop modding, learn a few tricks.

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Personaly I don't like the design, but I would love to just go for it cutting and modding that thing apart.

it would be great for some new ideas and to get experiance.

you can always use the sides for special windows and paint it over.

and otherwise you can use the power supply and plugs.

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dont like the flames but the air brushed bat head would be cool. Maybe you could do the flames as a window cut them out and ha them illuminated from behind that would look shweet


j5 out

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