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Ok, Need Advice For Mobo

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i dont know which board to get...i was sure until i read anothetr thread here at OCClub.com saying that the radeon 9700 didnt work right with the mobo i was choosing...


i was gonna get the Asus P4S8X but it says on the page

that it had bugs(like random reboots, etc), and i was just wondering if this happened with ALL of the mobos, or just with a few(like a bug in a few of them) sorry if i just sound dumb :|


anyways, can anyone give me some more info about this? or a couple more suggestions for another mobo(with 8x AGP)? this machine will be for gaming...here are my system specs so far


intel p4 2.8Ghz

Corsair XMS pc2700 1 gig (2 x 512mb)

radeon 9700 pro



thx to anyone who replys.....





ps, sorry for making "another" topic for this, i tried to reply to my old thread, but it wouldnt let me since i was the last to post...so i couldnt update/refresh the thread with this new info :|

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well , i think you can bug in every board,it's just bad luck, i have a P4PE, and when i come in windows, and reboot, he doesn't goe furter then the bios, the i ve got to reset, then he boots good, somthimes, he says disk boot failure, when a cd is in , ok that's normal, but crap , i've had some strange things, like, system error, system error... , again reboot, and then he starts up normal,

so you just need to have some "luck" with is,



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Asus and ATI have serious compatibility issues, there is a web page that lists all the problems people find and which board they are useing... I'll see if I can find the webpage or somebody will post it before me I'm sure...



edit: ha found it in another thread, here, props to Citation4444 for this

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Asus and ATI have serious compatibility issues, there is a web page that lists all the problems people find and which board they are useing... I'll see if I can find the webpage or somebody will post it before me I'm sure...



edit: ha found it in another thread, here, props to Citation4444 for this

thats the site i saw :(


now im lookin at gigabyte boards, but i need other suggestions... i feel so dumb when it comes to finding comp parts that are compatible :|


thx 2 anyone who can gimme some more ideas...

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:lol: Well with that in mind, id say a board with 8x AGP support and full featured P4 mobo, i'd go for the Gigabyte 8INXP if u have the cash. 8x agp support doesnt really make a big difference so if u are on a budget go for the best mobo of 2002, Abit IT7-Max2 v2.0.

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:lol: Well with that in mind, id say a board with 8x AGP support and full featured P4 mobo, i'd go for the Gigabyte 8INXP if u have the cash. 8x agp support doesnt really make a big difference so if u are on a budget go for the best mobo of 2002, Abit IT7-Max2 v2.0.

think ill be going with the gigabyte....my first choice was a gigabyte and iliked the features.....but the board is 100$ more then the other one :| so i haveto get rid of some memory...only 750 something megz now.....hope doom3 runs sweet on this machine....




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Xpandapuss, i see money is prob for you, why don't you wait for the fx??



prolly cuz the FX = ownT by aTI :)



its only 10% better in most benchmarks, and is as loud as a vacuum cleaner...i doubt they sell half as many as radeon 9700 sells.....

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not shure about that, if it's faster ... it ll sell, and sell good :)



most gamers wontbother if its as loud as a vacum cleaner (have u heard it? i have, sounds like a frickin freight train :/ )


radeon 9700 beats it in price, and sound, FX only has a 10% lead over ati....but not for long wait til the new ato is released :D, then nvidiots will be ownT :P

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