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Should I Use Raid?


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My new mobo supports raid, i was thinking of using raid-0 for better performance, but in the quick user guide for raid supplied with the mobo, it says msi recommends using two identical drives as part of an array, if striping for performance use two new drives, and it states for optimal performance they must be identical, same make and model.


But my existing drive is a fujitsu 40gb and i'm getting a western digital 120gb with 8mb buffer, so is it still worth using raid? would the new hard drive slow down to the performance of the old one? i'd appreciate any help.

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with those drives you don't want to run raid. Although raid 0 is faster than a single drive, it will only format to the lowest storage drive. In your case the 40Gb, so only 40Gb's will be used from you 120Gb which means you'll have 80Gb of unusable drive space. But you could buy another 40Gb drive and put the two 40Gb together to give you some increased performance.

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