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Update On My Video Prob

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I dont know if anyone read my other threads about my comp crashing while playing games, but i now have something new it crashes on that might clue me/anyone else in to why it is crashing..


Ok, so before i knew that while playing games my comp would freeze up with repeating sounds (and yes ive tried turning off my onboard sound, it still crashes) and after the screen freezes, the HDD activity light is fully lit...and when i reboot, my comp will sometimes freeze while posting or it will freeze while windows loads, and after a couple tries i finally reboot succesfuly, but then sometimes it wont detect my sata dvd drive.. :blink:


but today it crashed while i was editing a video in windvd creator...

Im not an expert but to my knowledge videos do not use dirext x or opengll

so does this new type of crashing mean its windows or my hardware?and if hardware do you have any idea what hardware


I really want to find out whats causing my comp to crash...


oh yeah,and so you know.My stats are in my sig, and ive already run 1 loop of memtest and my ram passed...

Edited by Aeromun

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Try updating drivers on you comp. Since it doesn't sound like a video problem then you shouldn't have to update videocard drivers. Try updating ure chipset if theres an availble update and try updating ure bios if you don't already have the latest bios version. Other than that i'm clueless as to what else it could be.

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Guest Raven65

I think I told you in one of your last posts, Go download a hdd analyizer from your hd manufacturer and check your hd, it sounds like a hd problem.

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im having trouble updating my chipset..i hate intels site, it makes no sense, does anyone know for sure where the 925x chipset drivers are.When i look for those drivers under 925x chipset i get a list of files that are for updating agp and usb stuff :blink:


But i havent heard the hdd suggestion yet..ill go try that...


edit:scanned HDD, no probs

Edited by Aeromun

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Im not currentally OCed at all..


EDIT: Well now my comp is crashin everywhere in windows, and while posting. Im guessing its the motherboard or overheating caused by this new summer weather im having...

Edited by Aeromun

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