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Viris Inspect


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Hello, this is for ALL The computer programmers out there willing to help me by developing a program. called viris inspect, please no comments about this please. If you dont want to develope please dont post..




Why do i want this program,


1. to block the My doom viris's killing my computers Network ( tcp/ip )


2. To block ALL viris's trying to get into my computer


3. So I wont have to format because my computer died from a viris


4. So I wont have 1 viris FOUND on my system



How does this program work,


1. It installs itself into a folder called " Viris Inspect "


2. Its like a firewall but it blocks ALL viris's from entering ( via incomming packets )


3. HOW?!?!? > it runs in the backround of Internet Explorer, and when a viris is blcoked the bar will come up saying the viris BLAH has been blocked. ( And again Viris's are SENT to computers VIA incomming packets...


4. It blocks the website and the viris, and adds the site + viris name to a Log which will be sent to Helpcomp,inc for inspecting ( My buissness )


5. THUS it creates a firewall around the computer blocking all viris's from entering.


6. TO PREVENT INTERNET LAGG:: there are like 20 Gateways / openings that scan incomming packets


7. Its like a metal detecter, if metal is found It goes off, BUT just think of it as a viris detecter, if a viris is detected the viris is automaticly Deleted from entering, and FULLY blocked, THus TRIGGERING a lockdown at that door... ANd once the viris is deleted the website will be blocked.


8. THUS having a safe free system against viris's






1. telling me to switch to other internet browsers


2. USE a firewall..


3. I have a top of the line security suite with viris protection, but the viris's are too fast and goes to work...


4. THUS this program will be the program of the year.... Hopefully






1. Post






THE people who are the developers



1. Helpcomp,inc -- www.helpcomp2003.computed.net








Co devs



































---- NOTE ----


I dont need that much people lol but if i can get that much AWSOME..



PLEASE if you can develpe the program PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say you want to hlep :| i need users..



--- NOTICE ----


IF i cant find anyone who is willing to develope this program the following WILL hapen


1. I will be mad :(


2. I will contact microsoft to develope the program.. That simple eh..


3. I have relatives who Develope computers... i will ask them ( But that is last resort because there is like only 1 or 2 of them, and it will take way to long )

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Even if it is created, holes, and bugs will be used and abused. Just like every other anti virus or firewall prog out there.

Edited by Ste

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I know i spelled virus wrong but i kept spelling it viris.... Well im not a good speller to so... i will try to spell it virus instead..


Yes i will make a public release of this. if people want to help with it, if not im asking microsoft..


Yes i know there will be holes and bugs and everything, thats what the beta testers are for + the bug people...


We will try to make this program hopefully a bug free program... but there are always bugs in programs..

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Spelling, DOES IT MATTER, im a bad speller, i know someone who is a worst speller then i am and he developed lime wire... See so..........




And, yes i know i have bad grammer, and no that wasent a "burn"





DOES anyone want to develope this program?!?!?!?!?!? If not i give it about till the end of this current week, and if i dont start seeing people posting aobut it, i will go straight to microsoft..

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DOES anyone want to develope this program?!?!?!?!?!? If not i give it about till the end of this current week, and if i dont start seeing people posting aobut it, i will go straight to microsoft..




what makes you think microsoft will care, are you going to pay for this development. If not then they won't care, IM pretty sure they won't care regaurdless.

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Go to Microsoft then. I'm sure they will be all happy and think this is a great idea, an idea they have heard a lot of times and also turned down a lot of times. Also, you might want to talk to one of the companies about to become one of Microsoft's little endeavours as that seems where most of MS's software comes from now a days (Halo and MS Anti-Spyware anyone?). Please also read Maddox's page on grammar and spelling... Finally, good luck with MS ;) Now go be mad because noone will help. **Tip of ye god ol' hat**




PS. Tell your friend Lime Wire sucks... Why you ask? Because it does, eMule and BitTorrent put it to massive shame.

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Go to Microsoft then. I'm sure they will be all happy and think this is a great idea, an idea they have heard a lot of times and also turned down a lot of times.  Also, you might want to talk to one of the companies about to become one of Microsoft's little endeavours as that seems where most of MS's software comes from now a days (Halo and MS Anti-Spyware anyone?).  Please also read Maddox's page on grammar and spelling... Finally, good luck with MS ;) Now go be mad because noone will help.  **Tip of ye god ol' hat**

PS. Tell your friend Lime Wire sucks... Why you ask?  Because it does, eMule and BitTorrent put it to massive shame.



Little harsh, but very true.

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Well, they better care, i know they turn things down but they better not for this, cause i emailed them about a TCP/IP problem not knowing what caused it ( TCP/IP was dissabled ) But i still could get online to a certian extent, and almost every day i lost another file. So i wonderd what could cause this... well i reformated just like they said, installed SP2 and i was looking at websites, gamming websites, and a winamp error came up ( I love winamp ), and then seconsd later a Virus alert poped up. And that was all in SECONDS of getting the virus... Well, that virus had to have been a SUPER virus cause it did more damage then a My doom virus.


So i had to keep reformating 5 times untill i took to much, and stoped viewing lots of websites.... SO if they dont make it, i will go to my relatives and they will make it for me.. IF they dont then im going to go to virus companys.. I just NEED this program developed cause if i dont then my computer is just a OPEN source for virus's....

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LMfao no offense dude, but ya gonna get laughed at!

It will take money, time ,grammar :P to develop such a program, and even still there will be bugs and holes. Save yaself some time and just download AVG :thumbs-up: and anti-spyware and u shud have no problems! or just change ya browser


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